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Last Updated - October 5, 2024

Age 16-18 – Universal Support for Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)

All staff will:

  • Model positive behaviours and implement the SEND Pledge Values to support preparing for adulthood at the earliest opportunity.
  • Familiarise themselves with any support plans in place for student(s). These should be checked at least half termly.
  • Welcome all students into learning environments and services.
  • Implement Quality First Teaching practices or equivalent, eg Evidence Informed Practice.
  • Consider and adapt environmental aspects (e.g. level of noise, seating, space to move around)
  • Ensure young person can see and hear tutor clearly.
  • Cue in the young person using their name.
  • Present new information in small chunks and keep language simple.
  • Provide extra time for processing information, answering and completing tasks.
  • Give time for student to formulate and communicate their ideas.
  • Provide opportunities for overlearning.
  • Plan and implement an environment that takes account of their communication and interaction needs. This might include access to Assistive Technologies.
  • Model appropriate social behaviour and interaction, eg avoid sarcasm.
  • Provide appropriate differentiation of spoken and written language activities and materials in class.
  • Ensure body language is clear, predictable, open handed, non-threatening.
  • Ensure facial expressions and tone of voice are neutral and calm.
  • Make arrangements for agreed method of interaction for students and staff as appropriate, including in any group work activities.
  • Put in place a clear transition plan for next steps to include IAG, Information and guidance, for course transfers, finding apprenticeships, finding work, in line with their aspirations.
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