Age 16-18 – Universal Support for Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)
Last Updated - October 5, 2024
Age 16-18 – Universal Support for Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)
All staff will:
Model positive behaviours and implement the SEND Pledge Values to support preparing for adulthood at the earliest opportunity.
Familiarise themselves with any support plans in place for student(s). These should be checked at least half termly.
Welcome all students into learning environments and services.
Implement Quality First Teaching practices or equivalent, eg Evidence Informed Practice.
Consider and adapt environmental aspects (e.g. level of noise, seating, space to move around)
Ensure young person can see and hear tutor clearly.
Cue in the young person using their name.
Present new information in small chunks and keep language simple.
Provide extra time for processing information, answering and completing tasks.
Give time for student to formulate and communicate their ideas.
Provide opportunities for overlearning.
Plan and implement an environment that takes account of their communication and interaction needs. This might include access to Assistive Technologies.
Model appropriate social behaviour and interaction, eg avoid sarcasm.
Provide appropriate differentiation of spoken and written language activities and materials in class.
Ensure body language is clear, predictable, open handed, non-threatening.
Ensure facial expressions and tone of voice are neutral and calm.
Make arrangements for agreed method of interaction for students and staff as appropriate, including in any group work activities.
Put in place a clear transition plan for next steps to include IAG, Information and guidance, for course transfers, finding apprenticeships, finding work, in line with their aspirations.