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Last Updated - October 5, 2024

Age 16-18 -SEND Support Strategies or Interventions for Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)

  • Creation and maintenance of effective Support Plans, including ISPs. Note this may be led by other services, such as medical, behavioural, safeguarding and wellbeing etc
  • Early intervention to recognise any barriers to learning.
  • Work with the student to identify any trigger points and/or strategies that may help.
  • Referral to SALT when needed.
  • Quiet safe space to regulate.
  • Design and use visual aids as checklists, clear frameworks to support organisation of ideas.
  • Introduce new material in a multi-sensory way e.g. demonstrate work, repeat it, the use of visual and auditory resources.
  • Use assistive technology to support learning
  • Social skills through small group activities, to encourage turn taking, sharing and positive interactions.
  • Social stories where appropriate.
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