The Early Years SENDCo will:
- Support practitioners to assess their skills and competencies, identify any gaps and implement next steps in professional development &
- Ensure all practitioners in the setting understand:
- Their responsibilities to children with SEND
- How to work actively and effectively within the Assess Plan Do Review SEND support in Early Years cycle.
- The setting’s approach to identifying and meeting SEND
- How the setting: responds to any cause for concern and identifies and responds to special educational needs.
- How the setting works in partnership with parents to identify a child as having a SEND.
- How the practitioner and the SENDCo agree, in consultation with the parent and the child, the outcomes they are seeking for the child.
- Identify and use training and other sources of support available to help explain the duties to colleagues.
- Link with others who have a role in supporting the development and delivery of training both for individual settings and on a wider basis.
View and/or download the full Practice Guidance for Early Years SENDCos