Last Updated - January 7, 2025
Extra help or adjustments to exams are called ‘Access Arrangements’.
‘Access Arrangements’ allow students with special educational needs, disabilities or temporary injuries to access exams and show what they know and can do.
However, ‘Access Arrangements’ are not allowed to give the student an unfair advantage or compromise the integrity of the exam. This means that there will have to be evidence that any additional support provided in the tests is also the same as or similar to the additional support regularly provided to the student as part of normal classroom practice (except in the case of injuries). For example, a student would only be allowed to use a laptop in exams if they normally use one in class. Access arrangements must also be appropriate to the exam and the student. For example, a student with dyslexia may need extra time for a written exam, but not for a practical one.
There are a wide range of possible Access Arrangements that can be made, including:
Whilst some ‘Access Arrangements’ can be made by School without prior approval (delegated arrangements), many others will require advance application (before the February deadline) for approval or notification.
Every year the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) produce Access Arrangements, Reasonable Adjustments and Special Consideration documents that contains the rules, regulations and guidance on what a student may, or may not receive when sitting formal examinations and lists the types of arrangements that may apply.
Most education providers and examining bodies will have made exam arrangements for individual students before, but they may not have come across all possible arrangements as support needs vary from person to person. If you think access arrangements may be required it is best to discuss this as early as possible, preferably at the start of the relevant course.
Schools may need to contact Educational Psychology & Specialist Teaching Service (TEPATS) who have a form specifically to address assess arrangements.