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Torbay SEND voice- cognition

August 25, 2023

Service offer or referral pathway for Cognition and Learning Needs

The Educational Psychology service can offer a consultation to discuss what this means and the alternative ways to move forward. Continuing Professional Development for staff

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Torbay SEND Voice Sensory and physical needs

August 20, 2023

Service offer or referral pathway for Sensory and Physical Needs

Visual impairment and hearing impairment advisory teacher support is usually requested at identification of need, information can be found on the Torbay Local Offer. https://www.torbay.gov.uk/schools-and-learning/send/send-services/hearing-support-service/ ...

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August 20, 2023

Helpful Resources for specific needs (DLD)

Please note that the following list of need is not exhaustive: Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) Clinical information on developmental language disorder (DLD) | RCSLT RADLD ...

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March 20, 2024

Supporting positive relationships through Chat, Play, Read at home and in the setting – Early Years – Social, Emotional and Mental Health

These are the key messages: Chat – Talk, Pause, Listen, Respond - back-and-forth exchanges with adults who respect and respond to children’s conversation. Play – ...

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August 20, 2023

Where can I go for more help?

You might feel that even with the support or provision provided, your child or young person’s needs are not being met. In the first instance, ...

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Torbay SEND Voice Sensory and physical needs

August 25, 2023

Resources and referrals for Sensory and Physical Needs

Children and Family Health Devon (CFHD)Provides resources to support physical and sensory needs for all ages. Occupational Therapy – Children and Family HealthProvides Early Years ...

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August 20, 2023

Further resources including local support available for Neurodiversity

Autism Education Trust – The Autism Standards Framework can be used by education setting leaders/leadership team to support the implementation of Good Autism Practice across a ...

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August 20, 2023

Assessment tools for Neurodiversity

It is important that all professionals refer to the sections of the graduated response for assessment tools related to key areas of need: Cognition and ...

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August 20, 2023

Service offer or referral pathway for Neurodiversity

‘First Steps’ Multi-Disciplinary Drop-in – For education settings held online every month (Child Health and Children and Family Health Devon). This is available for education ...

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