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August 27, 2023

What if the LA decide NOT to carry out an EHC needs assessment?

You will be informed in writing if the Local Authority (LA) decide that it is not necessary to carry out an Education, Health and Care ...

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August 21, 2023

If the LA agree to carry out an EHC needs assessment what happens next?

If the Local Authority (LA) decides to carry out an Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment they will allocate a SEND Officer, who will be ...

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August 23, 2024

When will the LA decide whether or not to issue an EHCP?

The Local Authority (LA) must make a decision and let you know their decision within 16 weeks of receiving the request for an Education, Health and Care ...

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August 27, 2023

What if the LA decides NOT to issue an EHCP?

You will be informed in writing if the Local Authority (LA) decide that it is not necessary to issue an Education, Health and Care plan ...

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August 23, 2024

How does the LA keep parents informed about the EHC needs assessment process?

Working Together – Torbay SEND – 20 week process Within the first 6 weeks of receiving a request for an Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs ...

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August 31, 2023

What happens when a draft EHCP is issued?

When you receive the draft Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP) you will also have been sent a form (A2) to complete and return. The ...

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How to check you are happy with the contents of the draft EHCP

August 31, 2023

How to check you are happy with the contents of the draft EHCP

If you have received a draft EHCP you need to complete and return the form that you were sent alongside the draft EHCP within 15 ...

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When will I receive the final EHCP?

August 27, 2023

When will I receive the final EHCP?

The final EHCP should be issued within 20 weeks of the request for an EHC needs assessment. But, there are some allowances for this to ...

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What can I do if I am not happy with the contents of the final EHCP?

March 21, 2024

What can I do if I am not happy with the contents of the final EHCP?

If you do not agree with the contents of the final EHCP you can discuss this with a member of the Torbay SEND team on 01803 208274. ...

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What happens after the final EHCP has been issued?

August 31, 2023

What happens after the final EHCP has been issued?

Within 3 months of the final EHCP having been issued, your child or young person's school should establish and record their short-term targets and incorporate ...

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