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March 7, 2024

What is meant by Early Years – Cognition and Learning

Children presenting with delays in their cognition and learning may initially show difficulties in engagement with others and/or delayed play skills.  Adults may need to ...

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March 7, 2024

Universal Support for Early Years – Cognition and Learning

In planning and guiding what children learn, practitioners must reflect on the different rates at which children are developing and adjust their practice appropriately. The ...

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March 7, 2024

Each Unique Child Presents in Their Own Way – Early Years – Cognition and Learning

Here is a checklist, based on the above Characteristics of Effective Learning observations.  It lists typical responses from young children, whose cognition and learning is ...

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March 7, 2024

Supporting engagement and exploration through sensory play- Early Years – Cognition and Learning

Adults could implement the Engagement Model.  The model includes a profile to build up a consistent picture about how children engage and what they are ...

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March 7, 2024

Supporting persistence and developing motivation through cause and effect play – Early Years – Cognition and Learning

Cause and effect play – adults may need to use verbal cues such as ‘Ready, Steady Go!’ or ‘One, two three!’ to prepare the child ...

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March 7, 2024

Supporting social play skills with peers through modelling and demonstration – Early Years – Cognition and Learning

Develop the child’s social play skills.  Use the child’s strong play preferences to build up their engagement with adults and peers starting with securing successful ...

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March 7, 2024

Supporting children’s learning through enhanced communication support – Early Years – Cognition and Learning

Keep activities short and successful to help build the child’s attention skills and self-esteem.  Practise completing short outcome-focussed activities through having a ‘Special Time’ play ...

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March 8, 2024

Documents to support Early Years – Cognition and Learning

(Suggested assessments and references that are not listed in any particular order) Characteristics of Effective Learning – page 22 Birthto5Matters-download.pdf  Development Matters - Non-statutory curriculum ...

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