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Introduction (Practice Guidance for Early Years Setting SENDCOs)

About this guidance (Practice Guidance for Early Years Setting SENDCos) SEND Local Offer

This practice guidance aims to support all practitioners working with children in the Early Years who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

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Supporting Children with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND): The Graduated Approach (Practice Guidance for Early Years Setting SENDCOs) SEND Local Offer

All children are individuals. They will progress at different rates and need different learning opportunities to reach their full potential. A child may just need time and support to develop rather than having special educational needs. Carefully differentiated learning opportunities within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum may allow a child to progress.

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Supporting Children with SEND using the Graduated Approach Cycle (Practice Guidance for Early Years Setting SENDCOs)

Assess (Practice Guidance for Early Years Setting SENDCOs) SEND Local Offer

This is when practitioners observe and identify a child as having additional needs.  This is what is stated in the SEND Code of Practice:

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Plan (Practice Guidance for Early Years Setting SENDCOs) SEND Local Offer

Practitioners and parents/carers then agree a plan of action that is additional and different from that provided as part of the setting’s usual curriculum and strategies.  An ‘Individual Learning and Development Plan’ and/or ‘Emotional Regulation Plan’ is written, the child’s responses may be monitored using the ‘weekly tracking sheet’ and then reviewed on a regular basis. When the plan is reviewed with the parents/carers, the setting SENDCo will need to record the meeting using the ‘Individual Learning and Development Plan Review’ form. Parents/carers should always be sent a copy of the review meeting minutes following the meeting together.  This is what is stated in the SEND Code of Practice:

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Do (Practice Guidance for Early Years Setting SENDCos) SEND Local Offer

Setting SENDCos should refer to the Torbay Early Years Graduated Approach Toolkit SEND Resources - Family Hub (torbayfamilyhub.org.uk) to support them with strategy ideas of how to support the child and what interventions to put in place both at home and at the Early Years setting. There are other resources to support practitioners with strategies also found here SEND Resources - Family Hub (torbayfamilyhub.org.uk) This is what is stated in the SEND Code of Practice:

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Review (Practice Guidance for Early Years Setting SENDCos) SEND Local Offer

It is advisable to review individual targets set for very young children every half term or sooner.  The setting SENDCo will need to arrange a meeting with the parents. This is what is stated in the SEND Code of Practice:

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Identifying a child as needing SEND support (Practice Guidance for Early Years Setting SENDCOs)

Identifying a child as needing SEND support (Practice Guidance for Early Years Setting SENDCos) SEND Local Offer

In the first instance, where there are concerns about an individual child, the setting SENDCo should act by

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Support from the Home Learning Environment and Early Years (HLE & EY) Service

Support from the Home Learning Environment and Early Years (HLE & EY) Service SEND Local Offer

The setting SENDCo can email the HLE & EY service and arrange an agreed telephone or video call to discuss the child of concern and the action taken so far. 

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Case File (Practice Guidance for Early Years Setting SENDCOs) SEND Local Offer

The graduated approach should be led and coordinated by the setting SENDCo working with and supporting individual practitioners in the setting. A case file for the child should be set up to include, a tracking log recording all the actions taken and copies of ILDPs, emotional regulation plans and reviews, letters, reports and assessments & observations.

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SEND Register (Practice Guidance for Early Years Setting SENDCos) SEND Local Offer

Each Early Years setting must have a SEND Register.

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Induction & Transition (Practice Guidance for Early Years Setting SENDCos) SEND Local Offer

Sometimes parents/carers request a place at an Early Years setting for their child who has an identified need. In this case it is important to hold a transition meeting for the parents/carers and other practitioners already involved with the child, preferably before the child starts at the setting. In this way the setting SENDCo can carefully plan and provide the most appropriate level of support for the child to be successfully included.

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SEND Funding for young children with SEND (Practice Guidance for Early Years Setting SENDCos) SEND Local Offer

After at least one cycle of the Graduated Approach, a Setting SENDCo may want to request extra funding to support the child’s access to the setting, Activity led Funding for Inclusion (ALFI). This can be done using the guidance and ‘Activity Led Funding for Inclusion (ALFI) forms - Parts 1 and 2’ found here Early Years additional funding for children with SEND (ALFI and DAF) - Family Hub (torbayfamilyhub.org.uk)

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Writing reports (Practice Guidance for Early Years Setting SENDCos) SEND Local Offer

Setting SENDCos may be asked to write a report on a child with SEND for:

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Requesting an Education, Health and Care needs assessment (Practice Guidance for Early Years Setting SENDCos) SEND Local Offer

“Where, despite the setting having taken relevant and purposeful action to identify, assess and meet the special educational needs of the child, the child has not made expected progress, the setting should consider requesting an Education, Health and Care needs assessment”. (SEND Code of Practice 2015)

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The Role of the Early Years Advisory Teacher (EYAT) for Inclusion (Practice Guidance for Early Years Setting SENDCos) SEND Local Offer

The Early Years Advisory Teacher for Inclusion will work in close partnership with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinators (SENDCos) in Early Years Settings to enable them to follow the ‘Graduated Approach’ set out in the SEND Code of Practice 2015 and this will include.

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The Role of the Early Years Setting SENDCO

Ensuring all practitioners in the setting understand their responsibilities to children with SEND and the setting’s approach to identifying and meeting SEND (The Role of the Early Years Setting SENDCo) SEND Local Offer

The Early Years SENDCo will:

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The Role of the Early Years Setting SENDCo SEND Local Offer

The Early Years SENDCo has a key role in supporting colleagues and coordinating the response of the setting to children with SEND. The Early Years SENDCo role will vary depending on the size, structure and employer’s requirements in the setting. The following is an overview of the typical role. Further details can be obtained from the 0-25 Special educational needs and disability code of practice 2015:

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Advising and supporting colleagues (The Role of the Early Years Setting SENDCo) SEND Local Offer

The Early Years SENDCo will:

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Ensuring parents are closely involved throughout and that their insights inform action taken by the setting (The Role of the Early Years Setting SENDCo) SEND Local Offer

The Early Years SENDCo will:

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Liaising with professionals or agencies beyond the setting (The Role of the Early Years Setting SENDCo) SEND Local Offer

The Early Years SENDCo will:

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Continually develop own practice (The Role of the Early Years Setting SENDCo) SEND Local Offer

Effective practitioners reflect on their own practice and undertake continuous professional development. The Early Years SENDCo will:

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Relevant skills and knowledge (The Role of the Early Years Setting SENDCo) SEND Local Offer

There is a range of resources and advice, information and training available, for example:

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Forms and Guidance (Practice Guidance for Early Years Setting SENDCOs)

Forms and Guidance (Practice Guidance for Early Years Setting SENDCos) SEND Local Offer

All the forms named in this practice guidance can be viewed and downloaded from the Torbay Family Hub, Local Offer website found here Torbay SEND Local Offer - Family Hub (torbayfamilyhub.org.uk)

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