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About this page

Ideas to develop your baby or child’s communication skills. Find strategies, activities and resources that will help your child develop understanding, talking or communication skills. The resources and activities might be things you choose to do yourself at home. They might also include more particular activities advised by a practitioner or activities and programmes that your child's school or setting might use. You may find more specific activities that can be advised or delivered by a speech and language therapist.

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Information, advice and support for early communication

On these pages you will find information, advice and support to help your child's communication which is listed under universal, targeted or specialist and ideas to do at home, your child's progress, services, activities you can do and general information and websites you can go to. Click on one of the universal, targeted or specialist signposts or one of the green buttons below to find out more.

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Universal Advice and Support

Universal Support, Information and Resources

All of the information, resources and activities are organised into three levels. Universal level is for all children and families and has general information and resources about speech, language and communication.

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Targeted Advice and support

Targeted Information, Advice and Resources

Targeted level information and resources are more directly useful for children and young people and their families where there is a likely worry about speech, language and communication or a need has been identified already. For the majority of children and young people and their families, this level will provide enough support.

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Specialist Advice and Support

Specialist Advice, Support and Resources

Specialist level information and resources are either to support more complicated speech, language and communication needs or to provide more specialist information and help. Some children and young people and their families will need specialist level support as well as targeted and universal levels for them to make the progress they wish to make with speech, language and communication. Specialist level may not be needed all of the time and may be helpful at certain points on a child or young person's journey.

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Bilingual Families

In this section you can find information, links to websites and more on 'how to help my child if I speak another language.'

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Children learning more than one language

Speech and Language UK has some helpful information on children learning more than one language here and a blog, Myth-busting: Bilingualism / English as an additional language with a link to a bilingualism factsheet

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Libraries Unlimited Torbay

have many dual language picture books which can be borrowed for those special story times in your home language. Click here for Torbay libraries website

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the-happy-people, your words build their world

Tiny Happy People - Bilingual

Bilingual babies and speaking multiple languages at home. Will hearing me speak more than one language confuse my child? Is the speech of bilingual children delayed? Tiny Happy People got the answers and information on the benefits of bilingualism.

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Did you know that you can translate any information on our Torbay Family Hub website by clicking on the icon at the bottom of the page and selecting your language.

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