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Year 9 Annual Reviews

Last Updated - August 27, 2023

Year 9 Annual Reviews

The Year 9 annual review of your young person’s Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP) is very important and begins the preparation for adulthood. This is the time to start thinking about:

  • further education
  • future jobs
  • where they will live
  • ongoing health needs 
  • any other welfare issues

It will be important for the following people to be invited to and attend, or provide a report for, the Year 9 annual review:

  • Your young person
  • You (parents/carers)
  • A social worker (if social care are involved in providing support)
  • Health professionals (all relevant health professionals involved)
  • A Careers South West advisor
  • A member of staff from school
  • Anyone else you or the head teacher feels is appropriate

These people will make sure that your young person remains involved in planning for their future.

Information, about children who are classed as having complex needs by the Children with Disabilities Service, will start to be shared with Adult Services to help with future planning.

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