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Last Updated - February 18, 2025

Writing reports (Practice Guidance for Early Years Setting SENDCos)

Setting SENDCos may be asked to write a report on a child with SEND for:

  • Multi-agency meetings.
  • Evidence for making a request for an EHC needs assessment.
  • Sharing information about children with parents and other professionals.

For each area of development describe the child’s needs and any effective strategies that you have been able to put in place.

Be clear about the type and level of support you are giving for the child to be successfully included and make the relevant progress.  For example, using picture prompts to support changes of activities; using Makaton with the child to support their understanding; giving hand under hand help to hold a cup; using a standing frame to access the water play. Describe what the child is good at and enjoys doing.  Always remain objective and factual.

View and/or download the full Practice Guidance for Early Years SENDCos

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