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Last Updated - January 13, 2025

Why does there need to be an Annual Review meeting for an EHCP?

The purpose of these meetings is to review your child or young person’s EHCP by:

  • Bringing together the views of everybody involved with your child or young person’s education. This generally includes you (where your child is under the age of 16 or your young person is age 16 or over and has requested for you to be invited), your child or young person and all those involved in helping your child or young person
  • Reviewing the progress your child or young person has made in all areas
  • Reviewing the special provision made for your child or young person
  • Ensuring that targets set previously are being achieved and to set new targets for the next year
  • Recommending amendments to the EHCP. The LA will only amend your child’s EHCP if there is a major change to your child or young person’s needs i.e. a medical diagnosis.
  • Considering whether all your child or young person’s goals have been met and whether the EHCP is still required

Please be aware that there is no legal requirement for you to be invited or involved if your young person is aged 16 or over unless they have asked for you to be invited or involved. This is because the Children and Families Act 2014, parental rights under the law in relation to the young person’s education automatically pass to the young person once they reach the end of compulsory school age, being the last Friday of June in the year the child turns 16.

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