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Why do we have to start planning in Year 9?

Last Updated - September 2, 2023

Why do we have to start planning in Year 9?

High goals are important to success.

Setting the right goals should make sure that your young person will have a happy and fulfilling life.

This is the time to start thinking about:

  • further education
  • future jobs
  • where they will live
  • ongoing health needs
  • any other welfare issues

If your young person has an Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP), the Year 9 Annual Review of their EHCP is very important and begins the preparation for adulthood.

Starting this in Year 9 allows time to research options for:

  • future education, training or careers,
  • the most suitable path for employment
  • other longer-term support that may be required

This will ensure that the final years of school will focus on supporting your young person’s successful development in the future.

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