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Last Updated - January 7, 2025

What support might I be able to get on a further education course?

Young people aged 16-19 may be able to claim money (a bursary) for you or your college/training provider to use to meet the cost of clothing, equipment or lunch on study days.

Young people who have additional needs should be able to get support to help them achieve and make progress. You should discuss your needs at your interview. Support provisions could include, study skills support, employability support, additional Maths and English support, as well as pastoral support.

Young people with an Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP) will have an individual support plan in place which will be reviewed annually. It is helpful for you to inform the provider that you have a plan when you attend interview.

If you think you will need an Education, Health and Care plan, please contact SENDIASS Torbay who will be able to offer you information advice and support.

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