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Last Updated - August 20, 2023

What is meant by Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs (SEMH)?

Social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) needs are a type of special educational needs in which children and young people have difficulties in managing their emotions and behaviour. They may often show inappropriate responses and feelings to situations.

This means that they may have trouble in building and maintaining relationships with peers and adults; they may also struggle to engage with learning and to cope in the classroom without additional strategies and interventions. Children with SEMH will often feel anxious, scared and misunderstood.

Typical characteristics of children with SEMH can include:

  • Disruptive, antisocial and uncooperative behaviour
  • Temper tantrums
  • Frustration, anger and verbal and physical threats/aggression
  • Withdrawn and depressed attitudes
  • Anxiety and self-harm
  • Stealing
  • Truancy
  • Vandalism
  • Drug abuse
  • Setting fires

SEMH does not have to be a lifelong condition. With appropriate support children and young people can move forward and live successful lives.

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