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Last Updated - March 7, 2024

What is meant by Early Years – Cognition and Learning

Children presenting with delays in their cognition and learning may initially show difficulties in engagement with others and/or delayed play skills.  Adults may need to adapt the provision to suit the child’s social play skills as well as the activities available.  Crucially, the child’s communication and interaction skills may need support from adults through using the targeted responses.  The child with delays in cognition and learning may also present with other developmental delays, such as in self-care, fine and gross motor skills and sensory differences. 

The possible barriers to learning are explored in the ‘unique child section’, with explicit links to the Characteristics of Effective Learning.  Children may need learning experiences to be set at a different pace, and pattern, to their peers and have plenty of opportunities to practise skills before they achieve generalisation of these skills. The support section of this provision bank focuses on how to promote ‘the learning to learn skill set’.   

Early years children with cognition and learning needs will need the provision to be different and/or additional to what is already provided for children of the same age. For some children, further targeted support and a programme of intervention may be appropriate from health or educational professionals.  Specific targeted support ideas for parents/carers at home with their child can be sought from Portage Home Visiting Services.

Websites for service referral forms and further information:

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