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Last Updated - August 27, 2023

What if the LA decide NOT to carry out an EHC needs assessment?

You will be informed in writing if the Local Authority (LA) decide that it is not necessary to carry out an Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment. You will probably be informed by email and you may also be informed by phone. This will happen within 6 weeks of the LA having received the request for an EHC needs assessment.

You will be invited to a “Next Steps” meeting, held by an LA SEND Officer to discuss how your child or young person’s needs will be met at SEND Support. These meetings are usually attended by you, someone who works with your child or your person in their educational setting (Pre-school, School or College) and often also any other professional involved in supporting your child or young person.

If you disagree with the LA decision, you will also have a right to mediation and right of appeal to the SEND tribunal.

You need to consider mediation and obtain a mediation certificate in advance of submitting an appeal to the SEND tribunal.

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