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Last Updated - August 30, 2023

What happens after an EHC needs assessment request has been made?

Week 0 – The process begins when the Local Authority (LA) received a request for assessment of a child /young person or the child /young person is brought to the LAs attention.

Weeks 1 – 6 – Within the first 6 weeks the LA must decide whether to conduct an Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment.

Regardless of who makes the request both:

  • educational providers (pre-school, school, college etc.); and
  • parents/carers/young people,

will be requested to submit their views and evidence in advance of that information being presented to the Education, Health and Care Needs Management Board (EHCNMB) multi-agency panel who make recommendations to assist the LA in making a decision on whether or not it is necessary to continue to undertake a full EHC needs assessment.

The LA must notify the parent / young person of their decision by week 6.

If the LA decide not to carry out an EHC needs assessment they must inform the parent / young person of their right of appeal.

Weeks 6 – 16 – Undertaking the assessment. During this time the LA is gathering the necessary information education (school, educational psychology), Health and social care. Where an LA requests co-operation of a body in securing information and advice, the body must comply within 6 weeks.

Week 16 – By week 16 the LA must decide whether an EHCP is needed and notify parents / young person.

If they decide an EHCP is needed the LA will send the draft EHCP alongside notification of their decision.

If the LA decide an EHCP is not required they must inform the parent / young person of their right of appeal.

Weeks 16 – 17 – Having received a draft EHCP parents / young person have 15 calendar days to:

  • read the draft EHCP
  • respond their agreement to the draft EHCP or comment on any changes they wish to be made.
  • inform the LA of their preferred educational placement (nursery, school / college / other educational institution) they wish to be named on the final EHCP
  • seek agreement if they are requesting a personal budget

Weeks 18 – 19 – The LA must consult governing body, principal, or proprietor of educational institution before naming them in the EHC plan. The institution should respond within 15 calendar days.

Week 20 – The final EHCP is issued naming the agreed educational placement (nursery, school / college / other educational institution).

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