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Last Updated - August 24, 2023


The new and improved weekly outdoor skate on the Veloparks pristine mile of smooth track to skate, glide and hover on with just your favourite tunes in your ear (just one mind) and the wind in your helmet (compulsory I’m afraid) – so come and have 2 hours to enjoy your interests.

This year we are opening up the Veloskate to sccoters, uni wheels, longboards and skateboards but please do respect each others space as there is plenty of it. 

Who to contact

Contact Name : Revolution Skate
Telephone : 07989418712
E-mail : info@revolutionskate.co.uk
Website : RevolutionSkate

Where to go

Name : Torbay Velopark
Address : Penwill Way
Postcode : TQ34 5JR

Time / Date Details

When is it on 17:00-19:00Time of dayEvening

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