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Torbay SEND Voice Sensory and physical needs

Last Updated - August 20, 2023

Universal Support for Sensory and Physical Needs

Every school, health setting, social worker and community support worker will:

  • Have an ethos of inclusivity, where reasonable adjustments are made to support the inclusion of children and young people who have sensory or physical impairments.
  • Have staff who understand sensory and/or physical needs or access to professionals who can provide support. This support is available from:
    • Health professionals
    • Advisory Teachers
    • Educational psychologists
    • Outreach services
  • Have designated time to make adjustments and have resources that support accessing the curriculum.
  • Be skilled at gaining the child’s voice and adapting practice to support their needs. The child or young person will be able to identify what they need to be successfully supported.
  • Always promote independence for the child or young person.
  • Have systems in place to record information that can inform changes of need in the young person and be given time to liaise with colleagues to provide an holistic approach in meeting the child or young person’s needs.
  • Feel supported in delivering any self-care or intimate care to young people who require support in this area.
  • Take a multi-agency approach to supporting children and young people with sensory or visual impairments and consider the family’s social care needs.
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