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Torbay SEND voice- cognition

Last Updated - August 20, 2023

Universal Support for Cognition and Learning Needs

Every school, health setting, social worker and community support worker will:

  • Consider the broad context of a child’s circumstances when they are identified as having difficulties with cognition and learning.
  • Consider the social and emotional factors which may also play a part in learning difficulties, alongside underlying cognition.
  • Focus on the importance of early language/reading with parents and provide training, workshops, and materials to refer to at home regarding phonics, schemes and reading expectations
  • Provide appropriate reading materials to all children
  • Provide access to the outreach service from Mayfield School which can be accessed through the differentiated approach (i.e., there is no need to have a plan)
  • Involve parents, discuss barriers to learning and share strategies/training for parents to understand cognition and learning skills and how to develop these.
  • Provide holistic assessments including home, mental health, wellbeing etc.
  • Undertake baseline (starting) assessments so we know where we are starting from.
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