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Last Updated - July 2, 2024

Triple P Baby Group

Preparing You for Parenthood and Beyond!

Are you an expectant or new parent of a baby up to 4 months old? Triple P for Baby is here to guide you on this incredible journey! Our evidence-based program offers practical insights and support to help you thrive as a parent.

What’s in Store for You?

  1. Group Sessions: Join us for four engaging 2-hour group sessions where you’ll gain essential knowledge:
    • Understanding Your Baby: Decode those adorable baby cues and foster a deeper connection.
    • Building Your Relationship: Lay the foundation for a strong bond with your little one.
    • Parental Emotions and Communication: How new parenthood can change your relationships.
    • Life Impact: Explore how your baby’s arrival influences your wider life.
  2. Personalised Support: After the group sessions, enjoy four one-to-one appointments tailored just for you. We’ll help you apply what we’ve discussed at home, ensuring a seamless transition into parenthood.
  3. The Beehive Family Hub: Our warm and welcoming environment awaits you at The Beehive Family Hub. Connect with other new parents, share experiences, and build lasting friendships.
  4. Referrals: Triple P for Baby is available through self-refer or referral by your health professional. Ask your midwife, health visitor or Family Hub to connect you with this invaluable resource or refer yourself.

Refreshments Provided: Because parenting is better with a cup of tea or coffee!

Begin your parenting journey with Triple P for Baby. Let’s nurture confident parents and happy babies together!

Remember, you’re not alone—we’re here to support you every step of the way!

Venue: The Beehive Family Hub, Bishops Place, Paignton, TQ3 3DZ.

This group is run by: 0 to 19 Torbay, Action for Children team

Suitable for: parents and carers with a baby

For dates and times, go to our what’s on page and search for Triple P Baby

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