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Last Updated - December 31, 2024

Transition planning (Early Years to Primary School)

Children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) often find change difficult. As part of transition, schools, educational settings and families must work together to create a plan for your child. The plan should be in place to help with any specific needs, strengths, interests and potential anxieties and learning styles.

The move should be part of a process, rather than a one off event, allowing your child to feel confident and happy when the time comes.

When your child is moving up to primary school into reception class, arrange to visit and talk to staff about your child’s needs and how you help them at home. This would also be part of the planning meeting as school would be invited to attend

Arrange for your child to visit their primary school as often as they need before they start. (Additional visits are often agreed and supported where possible by the education setting staff)

Try to spend time in key areas of the school when they are empty for your child to get used to the classroom.  Ask if your child could meet their new teacher, teaching assistant and any other support staff on their own. (Take photos for a book or ask if school would provide one)

If you have any concerns about your child’s progress when they have started school, arrange to meet their teacher or the school Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator (SENDCo).

Transitioning children with SEND from their Early Years (EY) setting to school will almost certainly be more complex than the support needed for most other children. Children with SEND face challenges of adjustment and adaptation, and will need time and planning by the adults to ensure a smooth transition. They may need individual care plans or risk assessments, and school staff may need to be trained in the use of medical equipment, adaptive aids and emergency medication.

  • Children with SEND may need a longer period of preparation and adjustment
  • Parents/carers may be concerned that the new setting will not be able to offer the expertise and level of support necessary to support their child. Cultivating a trusting partnership with the school will be important for the parent and the child
  • Professionals involved with the child with SEND will need time to support school staff, share ideas and/or specialised equipment. School staff will need clear and updated information about the child, best gained from the parent and the EY setting. Everyone will have a part to play in making the transition successful

Torbay LA provide Early Years settings with Enhanced Transition planning tools including a Torbay Enhanced Transition Planner to support them taking timely action, towards effective transitioning, by providing month by month guidance. The enhanced transition tools are downloadable from Enhanced transition planning (Early Years to Primary School) – Family Hub

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