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Last Updated - March 6, 2024

Torbay Early Years Graduate Approach Toolkit (Introduction)

Torbay Early Years Graduated Approach Toolkit (TEYGAT) aims to provide a one-stop-shop, for all early years providers to promote inclusive practice and support the additional needs of early years children at a targeted level. For some children universal provision may not meet all of their needs.  The importance of early identification and intervention with appropriate multi-agency support is key to addressing young children’s needs. 

The Torbay Early Years Graduated Approach Toolkit highlights the importance of a quality adaptive response, which addresses the needs of all children. In these cases, the graduated Approach of Assess, Plan, Do, and Review cycle, will be put into action.  The TEYGAT can support the identification of strategies and resources documented through an Individual Learning and Development Plan (ILDP).  This plan will be developed jointly with the child’s family to promote consistent support at both home and at the setting.  At this point, the child may be identified as having Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND): ‘A pupil has SEND where their learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision, that is provision different from or additional to that normally available to pupils of the same age.’  SEND Code of Practice 2015.   

Following several cycles of assess, plan, do and review with ILDPs in place, some children may need a referral to more specialist services. When a child’s needs are complex, severe and long term and an education provider cannot meet their needs from within their own resources, and have sought advice from outside agencies, a statutory assessment of the child’s needs will be undertaken. Only a small percentage of children with SEND will require the support of an Education Health and Care Plan.

The Torbay Early Years Graduated Approach Toolkit aims to provide a universal and targeted provision bank for practitioners to refer to when meeting the needs of children with SEND.  The Development Matters (2020) document has been used as guidance to support the observational statements throughout the TEYGAT Development Matters – Non-statutory curriculum guidance for the early years foundation stage (publishing.service.gov.uk)

If at any point you need to consult with the Early Years Advisory Team, please email earlyyears@torbay.gov.uk

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