The needs of some children/young people may require…
Positive Support Plan
- Draw up a Positive Support Plan (PSP) that meets the needs of children and young people, helping them to independently recognise and manage their own challenges with positive strategies along with their parents/carers.
- Identification of trigger points/challenges where possible and plan so they can be supported and managed.
- Consideration of adaptations to curriculum provision and timetable
- Identifying tools and strategies relevant for the child/young person.
- Individual support programmes of strategies/support and intervention co-produced with children/young people, families and colleagues which is monitored and reviewed and applied across all environments consistently.
- Delivery of small group interventions as appropriate.
- Include any Safe Holding support the child or young person may need in consultation with parents/carers.
- Implementing the recommendations into the positive behaviour support plan
- Seeking external advice from health, social care and education outreach through referral.
- Informal discussions with external agencies to consider options/ next steps.
View and/or download the Social, Emotional & Mental Health Needs Toolkit