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Last Updated - August 28, 2023


Alternative education programmes based around arts, heritage, nature, bushcraft and the outdoors. Our programmes are run either 1-1 or in small groups and are designed to support young people with a high degree of Special Educational Needs (SEN) / Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) need.

Key members of staff are Attachment Lead qualified. Taleblazers run a series of term-time programmes
designed to support young people who are unable to access full-time education.

We work with children and young people who have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) who are:

  • struggling with mental health;
  • excluded, or close to being excluded;
  • ‘in need’;
  • not attending school for medical reasons or are school refusers.

Interventions typically last for a term, but a small number of students work with us long-term and we can offer emergency short-term places. Our programmes are bespoke and student-centred, built on trust and positive relationships, and we work hard to make sure all our young people know we are there to support them.

Alternative provision is only arranged as part of an educational package via school’s or the Local Authority.


Email: rich@taleblazers.org.uk

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