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Last Updated - February 18, 2025

Support from the Home Learning Environment and Early Years (HLE & EY) Service

The setting SENDCo can email the HLE & EY service and arrange an agreed telephone or video call to discuss the child of concern and the action taken so far. 

Following this consultation, the setting SENDCo can expect some written advice in an email, based on the shared discussion with the setting SENDCo/Nursery Teacher. It will be expected that the suggested recommendations will be put into action.

Following a short period of time, if the child’s needs continue to be of concern, the setting SENDCo can make further contact with the HLE & EYs professional and a visit to the setting can be arranged.  The aim of these visits is to observe the child of concern and/or discuss the impact of the interventions of support already put in place and support setting SENDCos with further inclusive practice, including targeted support strategies. Other support for the child and family may also need to be considered such as Early Help, intervention groups at the Family Hub or a referral to health or education services.  It might be impactful for the early years setting to participate in training opportunities both locally and online.

View and/or download the full Practice Guidance for Early Years SENDCos

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