- Have up to date information from all agencies and support plans that are in place. This information can be gained during multi-agency education meetings. If a child or young person has attended appointments, then ask for copies of the clinic letters and recommendations. By having regular meetings with parents’ school will be fully informed of any changes. Having regular ISP/IEP’s will provide a plan, do review cycle, when other agencies are part of this cycle outcomes and recommendations can be made which can reflect a child/young person’s need.
- Understand when the child is ready to learn and any strategies, they need to support their preparedness. Some children may need time before learning to organise themselves, move into a position that they are comfortable, or they may require breaks between learning.
- Consider timetables and the transitions that have to be managed. If there are many transitions a child may have to follow a rigid routine with each transition. Is there anyway way transitions can be reduced. If there are multiple transitions a child/young person with physical disabilities may become fatigued with changes of rooms.
- Consider the science class environment – dangers, seating, moving around. This is relevant for many disabilities, but can the environment be more spacious for wheelchair users or those who have canes for visual impairments. There can be many trip hazards in some classroom environments.
- Use enabling language when writing documents and reports.
- Use information from national associations websites.
- Seek support from primary outreach services. Outreach Services – Family Hub
- Seek support from your educational psychology service as they can provide relevant training to support children with disabilities in accessing education.
- Habilitation will support with environmental advice, orientation and mobility development, independent living skills for students with visual impairment.
- The Visual Impairment advisory teacher Torbay VI (Visual Impairment) Service – Family Hub provides advice regarding accessing the curriculum and classroom management for students with visual impairment
- Provide time to observe the child/young person to monitor the impact of interventions as part of the plan do review cycle.
- There should be plans in place for those with disabilities on an evacuation plan in emergency situations.
- Training is available from services mentioned in this document as well as physiotherapy and occupational therapy. Use the Child and Family health Devon website resources to support your understanding of physical disabilities. Physical Disabilities – Children and Family Health Devon
- For any complex health conditions ensure SENDCo has confidence in being able to contact and discuss with relevant health professionals via CFHD SPA Tel: 0330 024 5321 email: chfd.DevonSPA@nhs.net
- Team around the pupil meetings/handovers for transitions to the next year group are just as important as enhanced transitions as part of phase transfers. It is important to share information with the child/young person’s next teacher/tutor. They will have a wealth of information to offer on what has worked for them.
View and/or download the full Sensory and Physical Needs Toolkit