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Successful High Needs Provision Capital projects 2022

Last Updated - October 25, 2023

Successful High Needs Provision Capital projects 2022

Below are summary details of the projects that were successful.  Where supplied by schools, there are also comments from the successful schools with images of the work completed.

Chestnut at Mayfield 

Re-purposed space to create new sensory room to meet needs of pupils with Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs.

Torquay Academy

Re-purposed space to create new changing/feeding/therapy room to meet pupils’ physical needs.

Warberry Academy

Creating a new nurture provision to support inclusive practice for pupils with Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs.

Preston Primary

New lift to meet pupils’ physical needs.

St Margaret’s Academy

New provision of a cabin within Forest school outdoor area for small group interventions throughout the day.

Our lovely unit is now in place and works are very nearly finished. I have attached a few photos to show you what a wonderful learning space this has created – Karen Colmer.

Watcombe Primary

Re-purposed space to create a nurture provision to improve existing provision for pupils with high needs. 

Paignton Academy

Re-purpose space to create new wellbeing/sensory rooms on both school sites to support sensory and SEMH needs – to provide calming space to help alleviate anxiety and escalate intervention and therapeutic work as needed.

Paignton Academy

Disabled toilet at the Waterleat Road site to meet physical needs.

Kings Ash Academy

Re-purpose space to create new wellbeing/sensory rooms to support sensory and SEMH needs.

The children have benefited greatly from having a designated sensory area where they can go, or be taken to, to help to reduce their anxieties and regulate emotions. We have a number of pupils with Autism who access these spaces as part of their daily timetable. Other children, especially those in the Foundation Stage and in the Nurture provision have enjoyed using this space when they are feeling emotionally upset or dysregulated.

Curledge St  Academy

Re-purpose space to create new wellbeing/sensory rooms to support sensory and SEMH needs.

The funding has been used to install two sensory rooms at CSA. One is based on the Early Years site and one is based on the main site for years 1-6 to access. This has provided much needed intervention spaces for children to use to get the sensory feedback/ input they need during the school day.

STEPS enhanced provision at Paignton Academy

Re-purpose space to create new wellbeing/sensory rooms to support sensory and SEMH needs.

Sherewell Valley Primary 

Upgrade lifts on site to meet pupils’ physical needs.

Torbay Boys Grammar

Upgrade 6 external doors to have automatic openers to meet physical needs.

Eden Park Primary 

Re-purpose space to create a new sensory area to support sensory and SEMH needs.

The project was to turn a room available in school into a Respite Space, a room that we can use with some o the most high needs children who find full time in a mainstream classroom sometimes a challenge. The money allocated was used to create a wonderful space that is light and inviting, but also purposeful and safe. It included the fitting of doors that allow the children to be kept safe, cupboards that can be locked, improved IT capability, a sink area for cleaning up creative projects and the construction of a purpose build changing area for handling intimate care discretely. Some money was also used to create a hugely successful outside space and a gazebo so that the children using the space are kept dry during inclement weather. All round, we are now able to have a much more useful space, safe and clean and attached to a pre-existing sensory room that supports these children more comprehensively than was previously being managed, but providing a base for the children when not in their allocated classroom. 

South Devon College

Re-purpose space to create a nurture area.

This provision has become invaluable within the Learning Opportunities department for our learners. It is a warm, supportive and calming area for all of our learners, especially those with SEMH needs, to talk, practice Mindful Craft and Art, share problems and achievements and seek guidance and sign posting to many matters. The impact this provision has had, has been quantifiable as our learners have all responded so positively to being able to access this extra and consistent support that helps them to strive and achieve.

What some of our learners have to say about having this provision available to them –

  •   “ it helps me to regulate my behaviour and emotions”
  • “ it’s a great place to talk things over”  
  • “ It helps to keep me calm”
  • “ It helps me to process things that have happened in the past”

Shiphay Learning Academy

Re-purpose space to create a new nurture room to support sensory and SEMH needs.

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