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Successful applicants for Accessibility Funding to improve inclusion in Mainstream Schools 2019-20

Last Updated - October 25, 2023

Successful applicants for Accessibility Funding to improve inclusion in Mainstream Schools 2019-20

Below are summary details of the projects that were successful in improving inclusion within mainstream via the Accessibility Funding in 2019-20.

Torquay Boys Grammar School

Conversion of existing SEND meeting room into a calm sensory room with resources.

Galmpton Primary

Creation of enhanced provision unit.

Torquay Girls Grammar School

Provision of a dedicated, purpose built cabin for use with ASD students including those awaiting diagnosis and those who are transitioning back into school life. Providing a calm and private environment away from the hustle and bustle of everyday school life and provide a sanctuary for those students who can experience social isolation at break times. 

Student feedback – “It came at the perfect time for me.  I was getting quite introverted and can now start talking to people.” (Year 9 student)

Quote from Zoe Beard – Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCo) – “Students and staff at Torquay Girls’ Grammar School are thrilled with their new ASD ‘Garden Room’. It was built as a transitional space for those returning to school after a period of absence and could potentially be used for tutoring happening elsewhere to encourage ASD students back into school. In addition, it is being used as a space for ASD students both with a diagnosis and those on the waiting list, which is currently 2+ years. The school recognised the need for these students to have dedicated space to use. Many of these students are vulnerable and most are at a loss during break times to know where to go or what to do. The ‘Garden Room’ has provided them with a safe space. It is only just up and running but in due course will be filled with games, puzzles, books, arts and crafts and other items for students to interact with. It is also manned during the majority of lessons so students can use this as a quiet zone if they feel they cannot stay in a mainstream classroom. It will also be utilised for meetings with health or care professionals and parents of ASD students. The calming experience should prove popular and with only a limited number of students being able to use the space – a real lifeline for those who are able to use it”.

Our Lady of the Angels

Creation of outdoor sensory safe space away from the busy nature of the playground. Provision to increase inclusivity for those children who struggle at break times, enhance Thrive provision and allow the children to access the curriculum in a meaningful way. 

“Our Sensory Garden was opened to the children a few weeks ago.   They have really appreciated the space. Children who really struggle during the un-timetabled parts of the day such as break times and lunchtime now have the opportunity to use our lunch club which now opens up to this beautiful space meaning they do not have to enter the large playground at all if they do not feel able to. It also means that those children do not have to be inside the whole time but can be outdoors which is even better for their mental health and well-being.”

St Margarets Academy

Development of Speech and Language Therapy room.

Quote from Marie-Claire Christie – Speech & Language Therapy Teaching Assistant – “With the increase of children with speech and language needs, our temporary SALT room has made a world of difference to our setting. We now have a quiet, space which aids the communication potential for the children at St. Margaret’s Academy. Children are seen individually or in small groups and the setting is used for formal assessment procedures, for certain interventions that are difficult to manage in a classroom setting. Most of these students need an environment that is quieter and contains less distraction than their normal classroom. Our temporary SALT room now offers an attractive, accessible environment which promotes a sense of belonging. However, although the room is accessible on 1st floor level to children with SEN and disabilities, staff and visitors and outside agencies, it is very small and we feel that the children would benefit from a larger working/meeting area with additional storage for a wide range of teaching resources. We are extremely pleased to have secured this space on a temporary basis and the benefits are already apparent”.

Eden Park Academy

Creation of Sensory Room. The designated sensory space will allow pupils to access the movement and sensory breaks necessary to enable them to engage in learning when in the classroom.   

Quote from Charlotte Griffin – Assistant SEND Co-ordinator – “Eden Park have turned a large cupboard into a sensory room using the SEND accessibility funding. It is being enjoyed by children aged 2-11, who need sensory breaks in the day, to enable them to focus better in class. Children can use the large dark tent equipped with light- up toys to relax in a calm environment. Some children find a trip through the squeeze machine or a jump on the small trampoline helps them to feel better in themselves. Other children like to watch the bubble lamp change colours or like to listen to relaxing CD’s. The room is usually used for just one or two children at a time with adult supervision, but it has also worked well for a small group of children lying or sitting still and listening to a children’s meditation CD. Children and staff report that it has helped children to sustain their concentration in class and remain calm and happy throughout the day”.

Watcombe Primary School

Creation of safe, defined areas for 3 x EHCP children in KS1 and KS2.

Hayes Primary School

Redesign and install gradual slope to reception entrance, level corner of field, resurface playground part astro/part tarmac for wheelchair user. This new ramp outside the reception class and pathway alongside the school field will allow children with disabilities and wheelchair users to be able to access the bottom playground and dinner hall.

Quote from Allison Grant – School Business Manager – “Our school received funding from Torbay Council via the SEN and Disability Grant.  This paid for a new ramp outside our reception class and pathway alongside our school field to allow children with disabilities and wheelchair users to be able to access the bottom playground and dinner hall. One pupil in reception has benefited massively from the new ramp which allows her to access the main reception playground independently.  She has a great time playing with her friends and can get in and out of the classroom freely.  Previously she had to go around the building and through other classrooms and this sometimes meant she missed some of her playtime. The access ramp along the side of the field has also made a great difference and this is used every day by pupils with disabilities, to get to the dinner hall.  Before this was installed, pupils had to walk through the whole school to get there using two stair-lifts and this took up a considerable amount of pupils’ lunch break and staff time. We are really pleased with the work that has been done.  It is great quality and has made a real positive difference to our pupils’ mobility and independence”.

Hayes Primary School

Creation of nurture base. Bean bags and games, benching, body socks for sensory areas, equipment for sensory area.

Quote from Allison Grant – School Business Manager – “We also received funding to develop a nurture room for children to feel safe and secure to develop their individual needs. The funding paid for sofas, cushions, beanbags, weighted blankets, lamps and a selection of developmental toys so the children can play games and work collaboratively”.

Sherwell Valley Primary School

Creation of large nurture unit.  Two areas to be refurbished to develop a small classroom area for up to 20 pupils with small designated outdoor play space. The newly created unit will allow children to receive the care and education specifically tailored to their individual needs in an environment with a significantly higher staff per child ratio than is possible in their own classroom. The school funded over half the Capital needed to complete the project.

Sacred Heart Primary

Develop outdoor sensory area/garden.

Cockington Primary

Creation of nurture unit.

Barton Hill Academy

Conversion of existing rooms to create 2 enhanced pastoral rooms and a sensory/thrive area.

St Cuthbert Mayne

Creation of nurture base for pupils with high SEMH needs.  Development of a nurture base from an existing office space, priority use given to EHCP and nurture group students in Y7 and Y8.

Quote from Sam Banks – Lead Practitioner for MFL and Differentiation/SEND – The Nurture Classroom is where our Y7 Nurture Group students have all their lessons that do not require specialist rooming (English, Maths, History, Geography and R.E.). This has given them vastly greater consistency and continuity in their experience as they transition from Primary to Secondary, as they spend a majority of their learning time in the same classroom with the same seating plan, expectations and resources. We used the money to clear and renovate a redundant classroom, fitting it out with state-of-the-art I.T. equipment and furniture chosen to give the feel of a Primary classroom. This provision has also allowed us to make other innovative additions to their curriculum, such as using their teachers’ changeover time between certain lessons to do a dynamic MFL input that gives them their entitlement to the experience of a foreign language. As well as settling in more successfully to life at STCM than has been the case for previous high-needs students, we have been really impressed with the quality of work this group is producing and the fantastic progress they have made so far this year has been really encouraging”.

St Cuthbert Mayne

St Marychurch Primary School

Enhancement of our Nurture style provision, particularly the breakout room; creating a safe, calming and sensory regulating room within the Nurture provision to allow children who are dysregulated to have a space that they can go to without feeling frightened or overwhelmed.  Resourced with lights, blinds/window covers, projections, cushions/soft mats, tactile toys, calming music, soft play equipment and safety items e.g. plug covers etc.

St Marychurch Primary School

Redevelopment and enhancement of our currently underused environmental area into a dedicated area for specific children to develop and manage their SEMH needs in a different environment beyond the classroom.

Brixham College

Development of enhanced provision for students on the Autistic Spectrum.

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