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St Pauls Second Steps Pre-school (Paignton)

Last Updated - November 7, 2024

St Pauls Second Steps Pre-school (Paignton)

St Pauls Second Steps Pre School has been established since the 1960’s, and offers fun and learning in a safe and caring environment. 

The friendly team of staff work together to ensure all children have equal opportunities to enjoy and learn new experiences whilst having fun and gaining confidence ready for the transition into Primary school education.  The pre-school has use of a large field at the rear of St Pauls Church Hall. 

We follow the learning structure for the “Early Years Foundation Stage”, enabling your child to gain confidence, learn and enjoy new experiences alongside other children, prepairing them for school.

Each child is entitled to 15 hrs per week funded by the Government the term after they reach the age of 3. We also offer places to 2 year old children some of which may be entitled to Government funding.

Who to contact

Telephone : 07399 153536

E-mail : info@stpaulssecondsteps.org.uk

Where to go

Name : St Pauls Church Hall

Address : Torquay Road

Postcode : TQ3 2DZ

Notes : Bus numbers 12 and 12A stop outside

Other Details


Details : Reduction available for twins / siblings


Age Ranges : From 2 years 0 months to 4 years 10 months

Related links : Ofsted Inspection Report

Inclusion Information

Wheelchair Access

Has Provision : YesDetails

Flat access and disabled toilet

Special Needs

Has Provision : Yes

Details : SENCO staff and Makaton experience. Please see attached Local Offer for details.

Dietary Needs

Has Provision : No

Cultural Provisions

Has Provision : No

Childcare Information


Details : Contact provider for vacancy details.

Funded Places

2 year old funding : Yes

3 & 4 year old 30 Hour funding : Yes

Opening Times & Facilities

Facilities : Out-door Play

School Pickups

Offers pickups : No

Ofsted Information

Ofsted URN139472

Link to latest and historical ofsted inspection reports 

Local Offer

SEN Information

What special education provision is available at our setting?

We have a team of very supportive and experienced staff who are able to offer their care and attention to each individual child.

We have a named SENCO who is qualified and experienced in supporting children with additional needs and who can offer help and advice to parents or carers encouraging working together to establish individual plans for the best outcome for the child.

We are able to access help and advice from a number of professional agencies if needed for additional support. For example…

  • Speech and Language therapists
  • Social Workers
  • Health visitor
  • Educational Psychologist/physiologist
  • Early years Advisory Support

What criteria must be satisfied before children and young people can access this provision/service?

As an inclusive provider we can offer placements for any child from the ages of 2 – 5 years in line with our admissions policy document and inclusion policy.

We will confidentially discuss the needs of the child with the parent/carer and any other professional body where necessary to determine whether our provision is the most suitable for that child and work alongside all agencies to offer the best outcome for them.

How do we identify the particular special educational needs of a child or young person?

If a child has already been identified as having additional needs our pre-School will continue to work alongside the relative agencies and parents/carers to ensure a smooth transition. The child’s key worker and SENCO will assess and observe continually and their progress record/IEP completed regularly. All information exchanged between parents/carers will be logged and other agencies informed if we feel additional help is required for that child.

How do we consult with parents and/or children and young people about their needs?

We work very closely with parents/carers to encourage sharing of information from home. Each child has their own Key worker who is responsible for updating all progress records through observation and assessment and for individual planning where necessary.

The manager, SENCO and key worker will work with parents to offer support and promote a consistent and positive approach when discussing the child’s and family’s needs.

We will hold regular meetings to keep the parents/carers informed of their child’s progress and raise any concerns where necessary.

What is our approach to teaching children and young people with special educational needs?

We understand that each child is an individual and each has their own needs. Therefore we promote inclusive care and education for every child.

We will provide support and appropriate resources for each child where necessary and implement an Individual Learning and Development Plan to offer specific learning and development objectives and specific activities where identified.

We will involve the parent/carer, key worker and specialist agencies where required to complete the plan as it will remain unique for that child and their specific needs.

How can we adapt our curriculum for children and young people with special educational needs?

Each child will be working towards their own Early learning goals within the EYFS framework. However we will adapt their learning curriculum to give them the support they need through their Individual Learning and Development Plans using additional resources and activities when required. We will adapt activities where necessary and offer 1 to 1 help and support if needed. We will purchase or borrow additional resources from the relevant agencies where needed and make pictorial boards and use Makaton to aid learning.

How will we ensure we get the services, provision and equipment that children and young people need?

We will work in partnership with the child’s parents/carers and any other agencies involved with the child to establish the most appropriate services, equipment and provision needed.

We will communicate regularly with them and through the child’s Individual Learning and development plan establish any additional resources that may be needed and contact the relevant agencies for advice and support.

How is this provision funded?

We are an independent Charity Pre-school who is funded by the government and local authority through the National Educational Grant.

If a child is identified as having the need of additional support, we will apply for the SEND allocation which is determined and agreed by the local authority.

What additional learning support is available for children and young people with special educational needs and how do they access it?

We work closely with a variety of agencies who may offer additional learning and support for those children with special educational needs. We can advise parents/carers which service that is best suited for their child and we can also involve them through the referral process.

…for example;

  • Speech and Language Therapist
  • Health visitors
  • Social Workers
  • Educational Physiologists
  • Action for Children
  • Family Support Groups.

How do we support and improve the emotional and social development of children and young people with special educational needs?

Each child will be supported in managing their behaviour and we always adapt a positive approach when helping them to manage their feelings.

We promote a good relationship between adults and all children at our setting and each is treated with respect and understanding.

Some children may need more help than others when recognising their feelings, and their Individual learning and development Plan will outline the additional help and support they require.

We are consistent in our approach when setting boundaries and involve parents/carers and other agencies when necessary to help us implement this through their social and emotional development to deliver a positive outcome for the child.

How do we support children and young people with special educational needs moving between phases of education and preparing for adulthood?

Here at pre-school we ensure that we do all we can to promote a smooth transition between different phases of a child’s life.

We provide opportunities for visits from reception class teachers into the setting enabling the child to become familiar with them and also to share details of Individual learning plans and assessments before they start school.

Visits into the reception class helping to familiarise their surroundings.

Liaising with School SENCO staff to share valid information on individual children. Encouraging parental support through all agencies to be able to work together to gain the best possible outcome for a smooth transition for the child.

Seek additional support and advice from early years advisory team if necessary.

What other support is available for children and young people with special educational needs and how can they access it?

We involve parents/carers through regular meetings and provide information on support groups and events through the relevant channels and services.

Display posters and leaflets on social events enabling them to facilitate advice and support and to be able to engage with others socially.

What extra-curricular activities are available for children and young people with special educational needs?

We regularly update our information on specific groups and meetings which may be of help and support for all families with a child who has additional needs by displaying posters on our Family information board and accessing the relevant services to keep us informed.

How do we assess and review progress towards agreed outcomes, and how are parents, children and young people involved in this process?

Our observation and assessments help to identify the child’s progress. Their Individual Learning Plans will identify and link in with these to determine the outcome and to track if the child is progressing. We involve parents and SENCO in these plans and review every half term or more regularly when needed to ensure we are doing the best for that child. It will need to be updated and monitored to identify if any changes are needed and to see how the child is progressing.

Parents/carers are welcome to meet with us to discuss their child’s progress as they wish.

How do we assess the effectiveness of our special needs provision and how are parents, children and young people involved in this assessment?

Our inclusion Policy is reviewed regularly. SENCO, manager and Keyworker hold regular meetings each half term to ensure the correct approach is being made to each individual child’s Learning and development Plan.

We talk daily with the parents/carers of the children and value their opinion and comments. When updating our policy we take into considerstion those opinions of parents/carers and children also.

We update our training programme regularly to ensure we are aware of any changes and information.

We work closely with other settings and schools to remain consistent in our approach. Seek advice from other professionals when necessary.

How do we ensure that teaching staff and other staff have the expertise needed to support children and young people with special educational needs?

Our SENCO regularly updates her training and attends all forums and meetings.

New staff are required to attend training where necessary to broaden their knowledge and understanding a Child’s individual needs.

All staff are required to access the CPD website to identify any other relevant training needs.

We work closely with the child’s parents/carers and other professionals involved to determine the correct skills needed.

How do we keep parents informed where children and young people have special educational provision but do not have an Education Health and Care Plan?

We involve parents in their child’s daily learning by sharing information on home/pre- school life. (e.g. All About Me forms sent home to complete…..What I have done well today forms…..)

Ensure communication when arriving and leaving the setting on how the child is that day, any worries and concerns.

Welcome the parents/carers into the setting to encourage communication and involvement through key worker meetings.

Share visual charts/boards with child and parent promoting positive praise and encouragement for child and family.

Ensure we inform parents on any issues which may arise concerning their progress and development.

How can parents, children and young people make a complaint about our provision?

If a parent or child is not happy with something we are eager to discuss this to try and resolve the issue.

All conversations are treated with strict confidentiality.

If you need to raise an issue or problem please speak to your child’s keyworker or the manager.

All complaints are reported to the manager via the key worker and recorded and stored confidentially.

We will do our best to resolve the issue, however if we will put you in contact with the appropriate authority if needed.

Parental surveys and questions are always considered giving you the opportunity for your opinions.

How can parents, children and young people get more information about the setting?

Please come and visit us at;

St,Pauls Church Hall Torquay Road Preston

Paignton TQ3 2 DZ

Or Telephone; 07758 002796

Contact us through our website via Torbay Family Information Services (FIS)

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