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Last Updated - December 30, 2024

Social care needs and personal budgets

When you move from one Local Authority area to a different Local Authority area the support you receive from social care may change. This is because each Local Authority may apply different eligibility criteria.

If your child or young person had a short breaks plan in your old Local Authority

When you move to Torbay a referral will be made, with your consent, to the Torbay Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH). Your child or young persons needs will then be considered against the eligibility criteria for the Torbay Children with Disabilities Team.

If your child or young person meets the Torbay Children with Disability criteria a referral will be made, with your consent, to the Torbay Children with Disabilities Team. The Torbay Children with Disability Team will then carry out a single assessment of need. This new assessment of needs will consider the Short Breaks plan previously in place for your child or young person.

If your child or young person does not meet the Torbay Children with Disability criteria a referral may be made, with your consent, to the social care Single Assessment Team. The social care Single Assessment Team will then make a decision on whether or not they carry out a single assessment of need. If the social care Single Assessment Team decide to carry out an assessment of needs, this will also consider the Short Breaks plan previously in place for your child or young person.

In either case, we will work with you to make sure adequate, appropriate and timely arrangements are made. This is so that we can make sure that appropriate provision is in place for your child or young person, in line with their identified needs. We will work with you to consider any Short Break provision which meets the needs of your child.

If your child is aged over 18 (a young person) there should be continuity of care in accordance with the Care Act 2014. For further information on adults moving to a different area please see the Department of Health and Social Care Factsheet 9: Continuity of care when moving between areas

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