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Last Updated - February 16, 2025

SMART Targets

Writing small step targets are integral to the Graduated Approach response for children with SEND.

SMART targets are small step targets that are:

S – specific, not open to interpretation

M – measurable, with clear language to describe observed learning and development

A – achievable, because they are fail safe in their approach.

R – relevant to the child and their family

T – Time Bound, using time, duration and frequency measures for success

The Four Elements to include in a Small Step SMART Target

It helps when writing a SMART target to do so on 4 different lines like below, to get all 4 elements

  1. Who – name of child
  2. Does What – what the child is observed doing (clear language using verbs)
  3. Under What Conditions – consider prompts, materials, instructions, context.
  4. To what Degree of Success – time, frequency and duration

Always start the ‘Does What’ with ‘will’ and the ‘Under What Conditions’ with ‘when’.

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