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Last Updated - December 31, 2024

Simply Great Education

What we provide

We provide a “Projects with Purpose” based learning approach to young people with autistic, social, emotional, wellbeing and special educational needs.

Through computer science, gaming, game design, coding, digital graphics, 3D modelling, web development and digital skills for work, we create engagement in individuals who ordinarily resist participation in traditional learning programmes. Our highly effective, adult-led experiences engage learners in practical tasks, reinforcing learning concepts and developing self-worth and self-belief through fun.

Why choose Simply Great Education?

• Simply Great Education is a technology-centred alternative provision.
• Guiding learners through the social and emotional impact of an online world.
• Addressing how technology affects the lives of young people and adults.
• Helping young people who struggle to engage with education.
• Educating in the digital skills sought by industry employers.
• Developed and delivered by industry experts.

We support:

• Emotional Dysregulation (anxiety, low mood, low self-worth),
• Autism Spectrum Disorder (social communication and interaction),
• Behavioural Dysregulation ADHD (hyperactivity) /ODD (Oppositional Defiance Disorder) (avoidance).

Subjects available

• Coding: Coding for games, web coding, and business. Coding is the language of the modern world. We can help you to gain this important new skill. Learn C#, Python, and Java.
• Game design: Learn how to build computer games from the basics to advanced coding. Create characters, control their actions, create graphics and sounds, and learn to program your very first game. Unity, Ready Maker.
• Computer Engineering: Using super small Raspberry Pi computers, create your own arcade console or build a mini-internet. Learn how computers work from the inside out. Raspberry PI, Computer hardware components.
• Web Development: Learn how to craft the web and become empowered online. Create your own blog or social media platform. HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript.
• Digital Skills for Work: Develop vital employability skills using up-to-date productivity software used in business. Office 365, Microsoft Teams, Video conferencing.
• 3D Graphics & In-Game Animation: Make artwork and characters for games or just for fun using leading industry software. Blender, Unity.

Our Outcome

• Influence young people and empower them with the ability to:
• Self-regulate.
• Develop social communications.
• Model appropriate behaviours.
• Show respect for themselves and others.
• Develop life skills.

Our aim

We engage individuals in an expert, adult-directed programme suited to our learner’s personal interests. We focus on improving social and emotional well-being through creativity, personal achievement and teamwork.

Academic opportunities

We will provide an expert-directed program, guiding learners to achieve GCSE Computer Science, Industry recognised vocational training and NCFE qualification in areas of personal interest, whether in games design, ICT skills, graphic design, 3D graphics making digital content or even tabletop gaming. The possibilities are almost endless.

Programme objectives:

• Grow self-esteem and confidence.
• Improve cognitive ability.
• Promote general well-being and a healthy mindset.
• Improve communication skills.
• Promote respect and courtesy in a team environment.
• Create awareness of how technology impacts social and problem-solving.
• Project working.
• Teamwork.
• Positive use of technology.
• Academic Study.
• Game playing (learning through fun).

Referral process

Upon enquiring about our service, we request a copy of the learner’s EHCP and any other relevant information. Using the EHCP, we measure the learner’s individual needs and demonstrate how our curriculum, staff and environment can meet those needs.

A detailed proposal will be created and submitted to the commissioning authority or third-party provider. Working closely with the local authority SEN casework officer, we detail learning outcomes to be reviewed at termly meetings.

Once staff know the learner’s SEN and learning outcomes, a bespoke program will be created, enabling us to draw up an Individual Support (ISP) plan to meet the young person’s needs.
For EHCP referrals, please request our service with your local authority SEN 0-25 casework officer.

Referral information

For all referral enquiries, please email us at info@simplygreat.education
Or call us on 01626 200456.

Alternative provision is only arranged as part of an educational package via school’s or the Local Authority.

Contact: Tim Powell-Morris

Phone: 01626 200456

Email: info@simplygreatmedia.co.uk or tim.pm@simplygreat.education

19 Devon Square
Newton Abbot
TQ12 2HR

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