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Last Updated - May 30, 2024

Shiphay Learning Academy (The Orchard Nursery)

Shiphay Learning Academy is a happy and healthy place to learn. We are very much a ‘family’ school;
we cultivate and nurture our Core Values of Respecting, Contribution, Creativeness and Aspiration in
all our activities and relationships for all our children and staff. We set high standards in everything we
do and strongly believe in the importance of the core skills of Reading, Writing and Mathematics.

In The Orchard Nursery at Shiphay, our approach is built upon the understanding that every child is a
unique individual with unlimited potential.

All children are born learners with an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a natural curiosity to figure out
how the world works. Placing children at the centre of everything we do, our intent at the Orchard
Nursery is to provide a wonderous, rich, holistic environment bursting with exciting opportunities for
learning. With a belief that knowledge is not something to be delivered but explored, we aim to teach
children ‘how’ to think and not ‘what’ to think and have the confidence to develop their own theories
about the world.

An extension of the family home, the Orchard Nursery is a calm environment filled with neutral tones,
soft furnishings, plants and tranquil play spaces. Children feel safe and secure to snuggle down or
explore with confidence.

Our learning environments are filled with loose parts, natural resources, authentic objects that reflect
cultural diversity, and real resources that allow children to use their imagination and explore endlessly.
We have moved away from brightly coloured traditional manufactured plastic toys that have a set
purpose and can limit play and have replaced them with open​­ended intelligent resources that spark
curiosity, awe, and wonder and allow children the freedom and creativity to problem­solve, use their
imaginations, and extend their play in any way they choose.

We recognise that language and communication are vital in all areas of a child’s development. We
support children’s development by providing a rich language environment where conversations,
Makaton, singing and sharing stories become a regular and celebrated part of the children’s day.

The Orchard Nursery is a place to learn, a place to play, a place to grow, flourish and thrive and we
hope to welcome your little one into our family very soon.

Head of School: Mrs Kate Lee
Nursery: Yes
Shiphay Learning Academy is a part of Riviera Education Trust: https://www.rivieratrust.co.uk/

Who to contact
Telephone: 01803 613556
E​mail: shiphayadmin@rivieraet.co.uk
Website: https://www.shiphay.com/

Where to go
Name: Shiphay Learning Academy
Address: Exe Hill
Postcode: TQ2 7NF

Age Ranges: From 3 years to 11 years

Related links:
The Hub extended schools provision
The Orchard Nursery

Local Offer
For specific information about what Shiphay Learning Academy offers in relation to SEND, please see:
SEN Provision Type: Universal

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