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Last Updated - November 13, 2023

Sherwell Valley Primary & Nursery School

Our aim is for the children at Sherwell Valley Primary School to embody our school values and be equipped with the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to thrive and succeed in the ever changing and diverse world beyond our school.

We provide a safe and secure environment in order to promote the highest possible quality of learning for all their pupils and to give them education today for the world tomorrow. The school has large Infant and Junior playgrounds, a football pitch, extensive level grassy areas and a natural area. There are twenty-two rooms, one of which is used as a music room, two halls, a dining room, an I.C.T. Suite and a superb library. There are also well developed Art, Humanities, Maths, Science and Technology resource areas, as well as a suite of smaller rooms for group work.

There is a spacious Nursery within the Foundation Department. Classrooms for the youngest children all include cloakrooms and toilets within the room, enabling the teacher to keep a close eye on the children.

Headteacher : Mrs C Nelson
Nursery : Yes
DfEE No : 2469
Number on Roll : 657
Type of School : Community

Who to contact

Contact Name : Mrs C Nelson

Contact Position : Headteacher

Telephone : 01803 613296

E-mail : admin@svps1.org

Website : www.sherwell-valley-primary.torbay.sch.uk

Where to go

Address : Hawkins Avenue

Postcode : TQ2 6ES

Local Offer


For specific information about what Sherwell Valley Primary & Nursery School offers in relation to SEN, please see:

Local Offer Age Bands : Primary (4-10 years)
Early Years (0-4 years)

SEN Provision Type : Universal

SEN Information

A printable version of this form is available in the downloads section.

How do we assess and review progress towards agreed outcomes, and how are parents, children and young people involved in this process?

All pupils identified as having SEN have a personal plan which is reviewed termly with the class teacher, the Senco and parents/carers. All children are involved in setting and reviewing their targets with the class teacher every term and are invited to make a contribution at their individual conference. If it appears that a pupil is not making the progress expected, the provision will be reviewed and any necessary adjustments made.  In the autumn and spring terms, parents/carers are invited to more formal parents’ meetings with the class teacher and a written report is available online in the summer term. Parents of pupils in the Early Years are invited to see their child’s Learning Diary, which is a record of all areas of his/her development. For older children, the Reading Diary is a daily record of their reading and can also be used to record messages between home and school.

In Little Valley, parents/carers are informed about their child’s learning and development via the Tapestry system of online reporting and passwords for this are issued when the child starts nursery.

Children with an EHC Plan will also have an annual review at which longer term aims will be discussed and reviewed, together with any other involved agencies.

When pupils are achieving in line with their peers, additional support may no longer be needed and EHC Plans can be ended.

How do we assess the effectiveness of our special needs provision and how are parents, children and young people involved in this assessment?

In addition to termly SEN review meetings and annual reviews for children with EHCPs, the SEN Policy and Local Offer is reviewed annually, which includes consultation with the Senco, SEN governor, pupils and parents.

Parents/carers and all pupils are invited to complete a questionnaire every year and their comments are used to inform decision making in the school. Pupils also participate in the PASS survey annually, to assess their attitudes to self and school.

The Senco keeps in touch with national and local developments through the Senco Forum in Torbay and has close links with many other schools.

How do we ensure that teaching staff and other staff have the expertise needed to support children and young people with special educational needs?

Our teachers, teaching assistants and meal time assistants have a wide range of qualifications, training and experience of working with children with a varied range of needs including:

  • Specific medical conditions including asthma, eczema, ADHD, diabetes, hypermobility, any requiring use of an epi-pen
  • Hearing impairment
  • Visual impairment
  • Specific learning difficulties including dyslexia and dyspraxia
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorders including Aspergers
  • Speech, language and communication needs including Makaton
  • Emotional difficulties including attachment disorder, loss and bereavement
  • Developmental disorders such as foetal alcohol syndrome
  • Profound and multiple difficulties including specific genetic disorders eg Down’s Syndrome
  • Specialised feeding eg gastric feeding
  • Physiotherapy

Sherwell Valley strongly believes in Continuing Professional Development for all its staff and accesses training through staff meetings, SEN Conferences, Senco Forum, working alongside outreach workers and advisers from local special schools and Torbay Inclusion Network events. Staff can request training through the school’s CPD Coordinator at any time or through the appraisal cycle.

Where a training need is identified to support a particular pupil, professional development for relevant staff is accessed through the CPD coordinator. Part of the personal budget for pupils with an EHCP includes funding for training.

Deployment of support staff to individual pupils and year groups is carefully considered by the members of the Senior Leadership Team and is based on staff skills and needs of the pupils.

How do we keep parents informed where children and young people have special educational provision but do not have an Education Health and Care Plan?

All pupils who have been identified as having SEND have a personal plan which is reviewed termly with the Senco, class teacher, parents and the child. The effectiveness of provision is discussed and new targets agreed, based on the progress, attainment and interests of the child. Through SEN review meetings and termly pupil progress meetings, school and parents can track progress and review the effectiveness of the plan.

When a concern is identified, the school will inform the parents/carers promptly; this is usually a conversation at a mutually convenient time. An outline of the support in place will be given and a time set to review the child’s progress.

How can parents, children and young people make a complaint about our provision?

Parents/carers will always be encouraged to discuss any problems with the child’s class teacher. In addition, each unit has an assistant head to support pupils and parents and to discuss concerns. It is hoped that most concerns can be resolved at this level and we welcome parents keeping us informed of matters requiring prompt action.

For further support and advice, parents can arrange an appointment with the Senco or Headteacher by phoning 01803 613296 or emailing the school: admin@svps1.org.

The school’s complaints policy is available for parents by request, if it is felt that issues haven’t been resolved in a satisfactory way.

If an issue needs support beyond these procedures, the school’s SEN governor can be contacted and SENDIASS Torbay www.sendiasstorbay.org.uk

How can parents, children and young people get more information about the setting?

For further information about the Special Educational Needs provision at Sherwell Valley Primary School, parents/carers may contact the school directly. We can arrange visits and meetings with the Headteacher and Senco, to discuss individual circumstances and admission procedures.

Contact arrangements: Phone: 01803 613296

Email: admin@svps1.org

Website: www.sherwell-valley-primary.torbay.sch.uk Ofsted report: November 2013

How the school involves other bodies, including health and social care bodies, local authority support services and voluntary sector organisations, in meeting children and young people’s SEN and supporting their families?

The school has close links with a variety of agencies, in order to make the best possible provision for our pupils, particularly those with SEND. Referrals for advice and support can be made and parents will be consulted at every stage. Agencies involved with school include:

  • School nurse
  • Specialist nurses, physiotherapists etc
  • Paediatricians
  • Primary Mental Health Workers (CAMHS)
  • Family Support Workers
  • Social Workers
  • Educational Psychologist
  • Advisory Teachers for learning, sensory difficulties and social/emotional difficulties
  • Young Carers
  • Local specialist settings

Meetings can be held at Sherwell Valley, to discuss support for families and in line with our view that the needs of the whole child are important, the school is always willing to be involved in plans for our pupils.

Sherwell Valley also takes Safeguarding very seriously and if there are any concerns about a child’s welfare or safety, advice may be sought from the relevant agencies at Children’s Services.

What arrangements are in place for supporting children who are looked after by the local authority and have SEN?

Children Looked After are included in every aspect of school life at Sherwell Valley. Their academic attainment and emotional wellbeing are closely monitored and support is provided in the usual way, either for learning or for pastoral needs. The school endeavours to build good relationships with foster carers and also parents if appropriate. School staff also support by attending CLA review meetings and hosting termly PEP meetings at school to discuss educational targets. Children’s achievements are recognised and celebrated and their views are regularly sought and incorporated into planning. Advice is available from the Virtual School and additional support can be arranged to enhance pupils’ progress.

Pupil Premium Plus funding can also be accessed from the Virtual School to provide additional support or resources where necessary.

The school supports children who need extra appointments out of school eg for therapy, or to attend contact sessions.

When CLA pupils transfer to another school, particular care is taken to set up appropriate arrangements to make the transition as smooth as possible, by booking extra visits or requesting a named member of staff to liaise with at the receiving school.

CLA pupils are annually nominated for achievement awards and school staff attend the award ceremony hosted by Torbay Council.

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