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Last Updated - August 20, 2023

Service offer or referral pathway for Neurodiversity

‘First Steps’ Multi-Disciplinary Drop-in – For education settings held online every month (Child Health and Children and Family Health Devon). This is available for education staff and any professional working with a child or young person (e.g., Early Help team) with a focus on the wider environment as well as individual children.

Child and Family Health Devon – Telephone advice line (0330 024 5321) for referrers and families wanting information about Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), therapies (Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Speech and Language Therapy) and Community Nursing services for children.

Devon Partnership NHS Trust (DPT) – For adult autism and ADHD and learning disability services (for those 18+). Access to evidence-based competency frameworks and training resources specific to areas of SEND and/or types of need.

0 to 19 Torbay Small Steps (formerly FIPCAN) – A group run by the Portage Team to give parents information and play opportunities with children with additional needs or a disability. A weekly booking, however, you can book in advance of up to four weeks. Free for under-fives: Torbay Portage Service
Consider referral to Early Help/Family Hubs: Torbay Early Help Hubs
Refer to Education Psychology service through planning meeting with link educational psychologist
Children and Family Health Devon-provided parent programmes offered for families with a diagnosed child as well as education staff:

  • Early Bird +
  • Early Communicators
  • DLD and me

0 to 19 Torbay have a free online course: ‘Understanding your child with additional needs’. This can be accessed via In Our Place Free access code ‘Tamar’.

0 to 19 Torbay Sleep Workshop for low level sleep issues both for under 11’s and over 11’s
Bisnet/ CEDA – parenting courses and support for young people who have been newly diagnosed.

Access to Mayfield Outreach service which can be accessed through the differential approach (i.e., there is no need to have a plan)

Access to Chestnut – including SEMH accessed through Mayfield

Access to Educational Psychology – Educational Psychology & Specialist Teaching Service (TEPATS) | Torbay FIS Directory

Torbay and South Devon Foundation NHS Trust Community Paediatrics – The First steps Handbook is given to all families on the waiting list.

Torbay Council – Portage service Torbay Portage Service | Torbay FIS Directory (openobjects.com)
Torbay Council – Attention Builders for Early Years – delivered by the Torbay Council Early Years team alongside speech and language therapists. This can be delivered as a whole class approach rather than child specific. 

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