2) Sensory Processing differences & Motor Skills
- Organised and clutter free resources, workspaces and classrooms
- Choice of learning spaces alongside peers within class based on sensory preferences as well as dedicated quiet learning spaces away from peers to be accessed for a short period of time
- Planned movement breaks
- Consider the different sensory perception or sensitivity the child may be experiencing. Ask children to consider how an activity may be felt in different parts of their bodies.
- Introduce a personal energy level plan.
- Timetabled sensory diet throughout the day
- Have a designated safe space(s) for a young person to use when required.
- Identify safe care and self-awareness needs (e.g. not knowing when your face is dirty). Instigate routines to support this in the young person’s plan. Checklists or social stories may help here.
View and/or download the Neurodiversity Needs Toolkit