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Last Updated - February 18, 2025

SEND Register (Practice Guidance for Early Years Setting SENDCos)

Each Early Years setting must have a SEND Register.

What is a SEND Register?

The SEND register is a list of all the children in the setting who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or a disability in the four broad areas of need:  Communication and Interaction, Social, Emotional and Mental Health, Cognition and Learning and Physical and Sensory. This list makes it easier for the SENDCo and staff to monitor those children who need extra help.

Which children should be placed on the SEND Register?

Any child identified as having a special educational need and/or disability and who needs more help than their peers to make progress in at least two areas of SEND need, should be placed on the SEND register.   Before a child is placed on the SEND register, this MUST be discussed with the child’s parents/carers. The parents/carers MUST also be informed in writing, usually in the Team Around the Family or ILDP review meeting minutes.

What does this mean for the child?

If a child is placed on the SEND Register, the extra help they receive should be set out in an ILDP or Emotional Regulation Plan, so that it is clear what help the child is receiving and how often.

Will the child need to stay on the SEND Register?

Some children with significant needs will be on the SEND Register for the duration of their time at the setting, because they will always need additional help and support.  Other children may only need something additional for a short amount of time. If they no longer need any help above and beyond that of the usual provision, then they should be removed from the SEND Register. This MUST be in discussion with parents/carers.

View and/or download the full Practice Guidance for Early Years SENDCos

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