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Roselands Community Nursery & Playschool Out of School Care – Covid-19: Open

Last Updated - August 24, 2023

Roselands Community Nursery & Playschool Out of School Care – Covid-19: Open

Qualifications and Training: Key staff trained to degree level, majority of other staff trained to NVQ Level 3. 

Who to contact

Telephone : 01803 525620

E-mail : info@roselandsnursery.com

Website : www.roselandsnursery.com

Where to go

Address : Porlock Way
Postcode : TQ4 7RH

Notes : Near number 12a bus route and bus routes which go to South Devon College.

Childcare Information


Immediate vacancies : Yes

Date updated : 04/03/2013

Funded Places

3 & 4 year old funding : Yes

2 year old funding : Yes

3 & 4 year old 30 Hour funding : Yes

School Pickups

Offers pickups : Yes

Schools : Roselands Primary School

Details : Currently offer a drop off and collection service to/from Roselands Primary School. Possibility of offering drop off and collection service to/from Whiterock Primary School if there is enough demand.

Ofsted Information

Ofsted URNEY279562

Link to latest ofsted inspection report 

Inspection history

Inspection DateInspection typeInspection Outcome
22/04/2008Combined Inspection – ChildcareGood
22/04/2008Combined Inspection – Nursery EducationGood
26/02/2009EYR InspectionOutstanding
07/06/2016EYR InspectionGood

Local Offer

Local Offer Age Bands : Early Years (0-4 years)

SEN Information

A printable version of this form is available in the downloads section.

What special education provision is available at our setting?

  • A wide range of provisions are accessible at our setting for any child who has special educational needs.
  • The setting has a designated SENCo who accesses the necessary support and training to accommodate all children’s needs.
  • Some staff are trained in foundation Makaton and Level 2 in British Sign Language, being able to provide the communication support for given children.
  • All practitioners are trained and knowledgeable surrounding child development and therefore all have an understanding when additional support is necessary to be put into place.
  • The provision has multi agency support running throughout in order to ensure all children’s needs are met working alongside; Early Years Advisory Service, play therapists, speech and language therapists, hearing impairment unit, health visitor and portage.
  • All key workers closely communicate with parents/carers to ensure that children’s daily routines at nursery accommodate their needs to best they can be.
  • The setting utilises senior management and practitioners knowledge and expertise as much as possible, through sharing fresh training information and qualification knowledge.
  • Disabled access is possible to all necessary areas of the provision.
  • Individual Learning and Development Plans (ILDPs) are completed for the required children, these are reviewed termly by the settings SENCo, the child’s key person, parents and other agencies involved.

What criteria must be satisfied before children and young people can access this provision/service?

Roselands Community Nursery and Playschool cares for children aged 18 months to 5 years old. The provision is able to provide children with the care, education and support required for a range of needs. We aim to accommodate all children who wish to access our provision, following our admissions policy and Ofsted registration.

How do we identify the particular special educational needs of a child or young person?

  • If any concern is raised by parents/carers or practitioners the provision would adhere to their special educational needs policy.
  • Members of staff will make observations of the given child and discuss findings with other members of staff and senior management. This will then be fed back to parents and any concerns discussed further. If in agreement, the setting will then liaise with the Early Years Advisory Service for guidance and recommendations on next steps.
  • All children are observed and their development is tracked continually throughout their time spent at the setting, therefore concerns can be tracked and monitored accurately.

How do we consult with parents and/or children and young people about their needs?

  • The key person of a child will communicate with parents/carers on a regular basis and continually converse (if possible) with the child themselves.
  • When necessary, meetings will be held with parents/carers in order to communicate and discuss progress and updates on the services being accessed for the child. This also provides an opportunity for home life services and interventions to be up to date and accurate.
  • Learning Journeys are updated by key workers and shared with parents/carers on a regular basis, capturing how the child’s needs are met. Assessments and written reports are also shared when necessary with parents/carers.
  • Keyworkers are designated in order to ensure assessment and tracking of children is consistent as well as ensuring communication with parents/carers is familiar and accurate.

What is our approach to teaching children and young people with special educational needs?

  • All children are fully included with access to all aspects of the setting, regardless of whether they have special educational needs.
  • As shared in the special educational needs policy and the DfE renewed code of practice the provision aims to provide a
  • Through discussion with practitioners working closely with the individual child and regular observation, the necessary care for any child can be updated and changed in accordance to the outcomes of monitoring.
  • We would follow a child’s Individual development and education plan where the key worker, SENCo, parents and other external agencies involved would be present. These are then reviewed termly.
  • The curriculum that children access at the provision is diverse, adaptable, engaging and differentiated therefore ensuring all children’s needs are met successfully.

How can we adapt our curriculum for children and young people with special educational needs?

  • The setting will be differentiated to meet the needs of individuals.
  • Some activities built into the settings day may be broken down into a series of small steps, to follow Individual Learning Plans with the required support.
  • In house interventions can be put into place where it has been discussed as an effective next step following assessment and discussion with parents and SENCo.
  • There is consistent contact with Local Education Authority Support where advice can be accessed and guidance given to make sure the correct support and curriculum is being provided to the child.
  • Staff are accessing appropriate training in order to reduce the demands on external agencies.

How will we ensure we get the services, provision and equipment that children and young people need?

  • Regular discussion and support are provided with the Early Years Advisory team, with all guidance being taken on board and put into practice where felt necessary.
  • Relevant funding is put into place to ensure the individual needs are met.
  • Regular communications with parents/carers, making sure the services in place are appropriate and effective.
  • Allocating key workers appropriately in accordance to their training and qualifications.
  • If appropriate, liaise with previous provisions children have attended.
  • Completing the full cycle to ensure Individual development and learning plans are effective.

How is this provision funded?

  • We access and are registered with the Nursery Education Grant offering 15 hours of early years education for all 3 and 4 year olds and some 2 year old children.
  • Parents/carers can use this grant as their payment for their child’s place at the provision and those children not eligible for this given funding pay in line with the session fees.
  • If the setting recognises additional support is necessary for a child this would be initially funded by the setting (where possible). An assessment would follow in order to access the correct specific support which may be above our usual support. We would then apply for to the local authority for additional funding for support and ensure the correct additional support is put into place.

What additional learning support is available for children and young people with special educational needs and how do they access it?

  • As a setting it also provides THRIVE, speech, language and communication groups and play therapy which is often in connection with the child’s needs.
  • Working in partnership and seeking support from external agencies for particular interventions. An example; when a deaf family joined the provision we provided a support worker for the child during their sessions and to communicate with the parents who could sign and communicate to their needs. We will aim to do so wherever is possible.

How do we support and improve the emotional and social development of children and young people with special educational needs?

  • The setting has regular Individual learning and development plan reviews with the Early Years Advisory Service and other external agencies available including SaLT.
  • The provision also provides 1:1 support where necessary.
  • A THRIVE ethos is developing throughout the setting, creating support materials that are necessary and providing required training.
  • Play therapy sessions are also used regularly to support children’s emotional and social development.
  • Maintaining a consistent key worker for children, making it possible for a safe and strong relationship to develop between child and adult.
  • Key worker group time where the ethos has been developed for it to be a safe place to share ideas and feelings with one another. This is a daily session time tabled in, developing consistency in the children’s school day.
  • Ensuring practitioners are positive role models for the children; this is monitored through practitioner observations.

How do we support children and young people with special educational needs moving between phases of education and preparing for adulthood?

  • Regular communication and working in partnership with the Early Years Advisory Team, parents and the primary school SENCo to ensure there is a smooth transition into primary school.
  • When children move from Nursery to Playschool there is a supported transition period with previous key worker and new key worker conversing all necessary information.
  • Transitions to primary school may be assisted by a practitioner on a 1:1 if it is felt this is required.
  • Supporting the parents throughout the transition period is also another approach, ensuring regular communication with information being up to date and correct.

What other support is available for children and young people with special educational needs and how can they access it?

  • The setting provides parents/carers with guidance and sign posting to other agencies that may be of use to them in accessing further support. This may be through leaflets, website links, making a contact to an agency possible.
  • Depending on the required needs it may be possible to provide in house support for the child or it may be necessary to seek further support externally from the setting to ensure the utmost accurate care is provided.

What extra-curricular activities are available for children and young people with special educational needs?

  • External agencies and events that are happening are shared with parents/carers.
  • All parents as partner events and other extra-curricular activities are planned to be inclusive and accessible to all children.

How do we assess and review progress towards agreed outcomes, and how are parents, children and young people involved in this process?

  • Regular reviews with the Advisory Service and parents take place to ensure targets and agreed outcomes are met and if they are not, then what needs to be put into place to ensure they are.
  • Individual development and educational plans are developed where necessary for children who cannot access the differentiated normal curriculum within the provision.
  • Action plans are sometimes put into place if it is felt necessary where it will be discussed during the development of who is responsible for given action points.

How do we assess the effectiveness of our special needs provision and how are parents, children and young people involved in this assessment?

  • Regular reviews with the Advisory Service and parents take place to ensure targets and agreed outcomes are met and if they are not, then what needs to be put into place to ensure they are.
  • Regular communication with parents at ‘parents as partner events’ and throughout the settings term.
  • Through reflection on all aspects of the provision including SEN, during this process identifying what is best practice and how to ensure this is maintained throughout the provision.

How do we ensure that teaching staff and other staff have the expertise needed to support children and young people with special educational needs?

  • SENCo attends necessary meetings and feeds back to the other members of staff.
  • Training is put into place where required to ensure that practitioners are confident and knowledgeable on new children’s needs.
  • Observation and supervision is in place to make sure all members of staffs practice is effective and fine-tuned to its best, confirming it is meeting all children’s needs.
  • Senior management are undertaking further qualifications to provide extended in house opportunities for play therapy.

How do we keep parents informed where children and young people have special educational provision but do not have an Education Health and Care Plan?

  • Regular communication occurs between key workers and parents/carers about their child’s day at the setting.
  • Assessments/ reports are regularly written and shared with parents/carers regardless of whether the child has special educational needs.
  • Parents as partner events are held regularly, building effective relationships between home and nursery/playschool life. This is one approach of several that is used to promote parent/carers involvement in their child/children’s learning and their development.
  • At the request of parents/carers meetings will be held to ensure their child/children’s needs are met.

How can parents, children and young people make a complaint about our provision?

  • The provisions practice is in line with their complaints procedures policy.
  • Most concerns can be dealt with via communication with room managers and resolved.
  • Ofsted contact details are accessible to parents/carers if they wish to have them.

How can parents, children and young people get more information about the setting?

  • The nursery website provides a range of information regarding the type of provision Roselands Community Nursery and Playschool is and what they can provide.
  • Tours of the setting are available upon request and are planned in during certain times of the settings daily routine in order to have less of an impact on children’s learning and activities throughout the day.
  • Ofsted report can be accessed via the Ofsted website.
  • The setting can also be contacted via email: admin@roselandsnursery.com or telephone: 01803525620.
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