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parents fighting and child crying

Last Updated - July 31, 2024

All families argue…but what’s the impact on your children? Reducing parental conflict

Find information, advice, videos and more here. 

Most of us have disagreements about things in our relationships – whether it’s coming home late, spending too much time on the phone, or what to watch on TV, having a difference of opinion is normal.

Not all conflict is damaging, but if your disagreements are frequent, intense and poorly resolved it can have a negative impact on your children’s health and emotional wellbeing.

Children who often witness adults arguing, slamming doors or ignoring each other sometimes feel that they are to blame, it can negatively impact on their self-esteem, mental and physical health, behaviour, how well they do in school, and their relationships with others both now and in their adult life.

Conflict in relationships can occur in all types of families: between biological parents, step-parents, foster and adoptive parents, parents and grandparents and separated and divorced parents to name just a few.

For more information, please contact:
Email: Kelly.Fundrey@torbay.gov.uk   
mobile: 07796 996230

Here’s links to other organisations that could provide information and support.

Some video’s you might find helpful

When we argue with our partner or ex-partner, we can get caught up in the heat of the moment. At times like these, it’s difficult to find a way forward. See it differently want to help you see things differently, and do things differently. Click on this link to watch their video.

Making marriage work: here’s the science behind happy relationships! Dr. Gottman outlines the findings, tools and techniques that have helped thousands of couples from around the world build a “Sound Relationship House.”

Relationship Matters

When two people share responsibility for a child, no matter whether they are still together or separated, the relationship between them has a direct impact on the mental health of their children.

Do you recognise any of these things?

  • Are you arguing, having rows, shouting all the time with each other about things like, money, how you parent or housework?
  • Are you worried about splitting up?
  • Is there sulking, silent treatment, slamming doors or walking away from each other?
  • Are you anxious or worried and is this getting in the way of managing everyday life?
  • Are you not able to say sorry after an argument and move on?
  • Are you using hurtful texts, emails or social media against each other?

Watch the video to find out more information

Advice and guidance for parents and carers in conflict or separating from the Anna Freud Centre

Emma Morris, member of the Family Ties Team at the Anna Freud Centre, talks about the impact that parental conflict can have on children.

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