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Probus Club (Brixham)

Last Updated - August 24, 2023

Probus Club (Brixham)

Probus is a club for men who are retired or semi-retired. It is a non-political, non-religious group. Its aim is to provide a range of speakers and topics and fellowship. The club meets every Thursday with the meeting starting at 10:30. free refreshments available from 9.30 to 10.15.

Who to contact

Contact Name : Mr. John Parr

Contact Position : Secretary

Telephone : 01803 883087

E-mail : info@brixhamprobus.co.uk

Website : www.brixhamprobus.co.uk

Where to go

Name : Catholic Church Hall

Address : 43, New Road

Postcode : TQ5 8NB

Time / Date Details

When is it on : Thursday morning from 10:30 to 11:30

Time of day : Morning

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