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Last Updated - June 12, 2024


Playing isn’t just fun: it’s also the best way for young children to learn. By playing, children can practise all the skills they’ll need as they grow up and parents and carers are a baby’s favourite playmate. You don’t need expensive toys – just a few minutes at a time to have fun together.

Remember this when playing with little ones. Bring the play into everyday.

Your baby or toddler’s favourite playmate is you – so try to spend time playing with your baby or toddler every day. Did you know that playing actually requires a lot of your baby or toddler’s brain and muscle power? You can find some great ideas and activities for baby moves at Start for Life or activities for toddlers.

It helps develop their social, intellectual, language and problem-solving skills – and is one of the main ways they learn about the world.

Play is so important that it is considered a human right for children.

Remember this when playing with little ones.
Bring the play into everyday.

This short video from Watch Me Play shows how parents and carers can feel more confident and closer to their baby or child through play. Find out more about Why Play Matters here.

Why is play important?

Playing with children throughout their baby days and childhood will build strong and lasting bonds. It helps build their self esteem, confidence and gives better life chances.

Play is good for us. Children learn best through play and this learning happens every day through the experiences and the fun they have.

  • Get down at your baby’s level. Talk about what they are looking at.
  • Describe what they are doing – use short simple sentences ‘you are holding the red car’ and make the noises ‘car goes brumm, brumm’.
  • Respond to the sounds and noises your child makes – even if you are not sure what they are saying take a guess – ‘yes that is your duck’ add some extra detail to what you think they are saying/thinking ‘ducks go quack don’t they?’.
  • Try action nursery rhymes like ‘row, row your boat’ or ‘wind the bobbin’. The rhythm and repeating words are loved by babies and help them learn in an easy fun way.

To grow and develop, children need time and attention from someone who’s happy to play with them.

Children learn from everything they do and everything that’s going on around them.

When you’re washing up, let your child join in – for example, by washing the saucepan lids. When you cook, show them what you’re doing and talk to them as you’re working.

Getting them involved in the things you do will teach them about taking turns to help and being independent. They’ll also learn by copying what you do.

Sometimes things have to happen at certain times, and it’s important that your child learns this. But when you’re together, try not to have a strict timetable. Your child is unlikely to fit in with it and you’ll both get frustrated.

There’s no rule that says clearing up has to be done before you go to the playground, especially if the sun’s shining and your child’s bursting with energy.

As far as you can, move things around to suit both your and your child’s mood.

  • Every time you give your baby attention, chat and smile, or let them know you are there for them when they are upset, they are learning to trust you.
  • Every time you talk, sing and read to your child you are helping them learn the words that they need to communicate their thoughts and feelings.
  • Every time you help your child to learn a new skill or understand a new experience, you are helping them feel good about themselves and make sense of their world.

The National Literacy Trust have great activities from playing Peek a boo to having a mini beast exploration.

Leaflets to view or download from your 0 to 19 Torbay and Family Hub teams.

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