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Our ‘offer’ to care-experienced young people

Last Updated - August 17, 2023

Our ‘offer’ to care-experienced young people

Our ‘offer’ to care-experienced young people and adults, from the Children Family Health Devon (Children in Care / CIC) Nurse team.
The Children and Family Health Nurse Team works with children and young people who are ‘care-experienced’. They can help care experienced young people and cared for children with support, health advice and signposting to health services that are right for them.
We will treat you with respect and understanding, and as an individual.
Our Nurses also work with other professionals such as Personal Advisors, Participation teams, voluntary organisations and other partner agencies.
Our Nurses offer yearly Health Reviews up until the age of 18 years. It is your right to have a health review every year.
Health reviews are an opportunity to talk to a qualified Nurse about any health issues or worries, and get advice and support.
Your confidentiality is always respected during these talks, and the Nurse will discuss with you what information can be included in your Personal Health Plan. This will be developed with you and is designed to meet your health needs.

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