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Last Updated - August 10, 2023

Oral health and additional needs

Good oral health is an important factor in general health and quality of life. Evidence shows that people with learning disabilities have poorer oral health and more problems in accessing dental services than people in the general population.

People with learning disabilities may need additional help with their oral care and support to get dental treatment because of cognitive, physical and behavioural factors.

Having healthy teeth and gums is important and can have a big impact on general health and quality of life. Children and young people with additional needs may need some extra support keeping their teeth healthy and accessing the right dental care, at the right time.

Children and young people with additional needs have the same entitlement to dental care as all children and services should make adjustments to achieve this where possible.

Some children and young people may not be able to express the fact that they have toothache and therefore their discomfort could be misunderstood or missed. For this reason establishing a good dental health routine is important.

Sometimes specialist dental care will be the most appropriate and your dentist or GP can help find the right service for your child.

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