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Last Updated - May 30, 2024

Oldway Primary School (The Shells Nursery)

Oldway is a popular school which serves the local community in Paignton and is part of the Riviera
Education Trust. As a large primary school, we have an extensive and experienced staff, a great deal of
expertise and provide a vibrant learning experience. The facilities at Oldway are excellent, with a
swimming pool, dedicated spaces for art and music, extensive grounds for outdoor learning and easy
access to both the grounds of Oldway Mansion and the beach.

In The Shells Nursery at Oldway, our focus is on providing high​ quality learning opportunities across all
areas of the Early Years curriculum, tailored to each child’s interests and needs.

At Oldway, we understand that every child is unique, with different starting points and experiences.
That’s why we strive to create a supportive atmosphere that fosters strong partnerships between our
staff, children, and families. Communication is key, and we value the relationships we build with
parents and the community to ensure that every child feels valued, safe, and has a sense of belonging.

Our curriculum, guided by the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and Development Matters,
emphasises both prime and specific areas of learning, including communication, physical
development, literacy, mathematics, and more. Through hands​on experiences and child​led
exploration, we lay down solid foundations for lifelong learning.

In our ‘Oldway Wild Learning’ environment, children engage in a range of activities that ignite their
curiosity and love for learning. From planting and building camps to exploring the properties of water,
we encourage a sense of awe and wonder in every lesson.

We prioritise oracy and reading, embedding them throughout our curriculum to develop effective
communicators and foster a lifelong love of reading. Additionally, we focus on health and self​care,
offering daily supervised toothbrushing sessions and promoting healthy eating habits.

By the end of their time in the nursery at Oldway, our aim is for every child to possess a positive attitude
towards learning, effective communication skills, healthy habits, and a strong foundation for future
success. We want to inspire curiosity, nurture creativity, and instil a love of learning that lasts a lifetime.
Join us as we embark on this journey of discovery and growth together.

Head of School: Mrs Emma Bamber
Nursery: Yes
Oldway Primary School is a part of Riviera Education Trust: https://www.rivieratrust.co.uk/

Who to contact
Telephone: 01803 557190
E​mail: oldwayoffice@rivieraet.co.uk
Website: https://www.oldwayschool.co.uk/

Where to go
Name: Oldway Primary School
Address: Higher Polsham Road
Postcode: TQ3 2SY

Age Ranges: From 3 years to 11 years

Related links:
The Shells Nursery

Local Offer

For specific information about what Oldway Primary School offers in relation to SEND, please click here
SEN Provision Type: Universal

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