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Music with Mummy & Jolly Babies Marldon /Goodrington

Last Updated - August 24, 2023

Music with Mummy & Jolly Babies Marldon /Goodrington

Carefully planned and sensitively delivered musical experiences for babies, toddlers and preschool children. Taking your child on a Musical journey from birth through preschool.

Who to contact

Contact Name : Carol Holbrow
Telephone : 07902 328922
E-mail : carol@musicwithmummyandcarol.co.uk
Website : https://musicwithmummyandcarol.co.uk/
Notes : https://www.facebook.com/musicwithcarol/
see Facebook for updates and recommendations

Where to go

Address : Village Hall
Village Road
Postcode : TQ3 1SJ

Time / Date Details

When is it on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays during term time.
Time of day : Morning
Session Information : MONDAYS at Marldon with Carol

Other Details


Referral required : No
Related links : http://www.musicwithmummy.co.uk

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