The Local Authority receive money from central government each year to fund schools. This is called the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG). The DSG is split into three parts or ‘blocks’:
- Early years block – money used to provide 2, 3, 4 year old early years nursery entitlements and 60% of Activity Led Funding in Early Years (ALFEY) funding to provide support for children with SEND in Private, Voluntary and Independent (PVI) nurseries
- Schools block – money passed to schools to deliver mainstream education
- High needs block – money used to support children with special educational needs that are taught in a mainstream school, support for children in alternative provision, special schools, post-16 learners and excluded pupils
Following local area funding decisions in collaboration with the local schools forum, the Education and Skills Funding Agency and Local Authority provide this funding at the same level to all mainstream maintained schools, academies and free schools within thier local area.