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Monday Monkeys

Last Updated - August 24, 2023

Monday Monkeys

Monday Monkeys is an exclusive members-only club for toddlers accompanied by a parent or carer, meeting once a month, usually on the first Monday. It is a great opportunity to meet new friends and to learn about animals and plants through stories, songs and craft activities.

To join our Monday Monkeys club please contact the Education Department by telephone or email.

Who to contact

Telephone : 0844 474 2224
E-mail : education@paigntonzoo.org.uk
Website : https://www.paigntonzoo.org.uk/education-clubs/clubs-activities/monday-monkeys
Parent Organisation

Where to go

Address : Paignton Zoo
Totnes Road
Postcode : TQ4 7EU

Time / Date Details

When is it on Once a month, usually on the first Monday

Other Details


Details : Members only

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