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Last Updated - August 24, 2023

Michelle Reeves (Torquay)

One of my main aims is to give the children a variety of interesting, physically active based outings.  We go to many fun attractions such as Teignmouth Park, Cockington, Paignton Zoo, local beaches, afternoon activities consist of messy play i.e. playdoh, painting, water fun.  Also visits to Torquay Library, doing puzzles, and storytime.  Fun is a key word and happy children is my goal.

Qualifications and Training: NVQ 3, Paediatric First Aid, EAL, THRIVE.

Who to contact

Telephone : 07799 314699

E-mail : michellechris@hotmail.co.uk

Where to go

Address : TORQUAY

Postcode : TQ1

Notes : Near to Torquay Town Centre.

Other Details


Details : £4.50 Per hour


Age RangesFrom 0 years 0 months to 13 years 0 months

Inclusion Information

Wheelchair Access

Has Provision : No

Special Needs

Has Provision : Yes

Details : currently working with 2 EAL children

Childcare Information


Immediate vacancies : Yes

Details : Please contact for details

Funded Places

2 year old funding : Yes

3 & 4 year old 30 Hour funding : Yes

Opening Times & Facilities

Opening Times

DayOpening TimeClosing Time

School Pickups

Offers pickups : Yes

Schools : All Saints Babbacombe Church of England Primary School
Ilsham C of E Academy
Warberry Church of England Foundation Primary School

Details : Drops off and picks up from All Saints Babbacombe, Warberry CofE and Ellacombe Primary School breakfast club ilsham.

Ofsted Information

Ofsted URNEY406114

Link to latest ofsted inspection report 

Inspection history

Inspection DateInspection typeInspection Outcome
25/05/2010Inspection (Early Years Register)Good
29/01/2016Inspection (Early Years Register)Outstanding
21/07/2022Inspection (Early Years Register)Outstanding

Local Offer

Local Offer Age Bands : Early Years (0-4 years)

SEN Information

A printable version of this form is available in the downloads section.

What special education provision is available at our setting?

I attended Thrive training session in 2012. I have recently attended a training session to refresh my thrive knowledge.

April 2013 I attended Makaton Foundation training course run by SENCO Judith Thomas.

I attended an E.A.L training day to provide me with the necessary skilss and confidence needed to provide  extended support to assist e.a.l children attending my setting.

I attend regular ‘sen and suporting vulnerable children forums’ and ‘designated person forums’ to provide me with necessary knowledge and keep me upto date with all current legislation.

I am currently working with a SEN child. I have experience of writing referrals to agencies and have worked closely with speech and language therapist, senco at Torbay early years.

I work with Childrens Services, I have supported Social workers in the bay to provide emergency care for vulnerable children.

I am on the Childminders Enhanced Support Package enabling me to access extra support and advice as required. The enhanced package also provides me with additional training sessions whereby I am able to update, refresh, and improve my knowledge relating to all areas of working with children and their families.

I welcome all children and their families to my setting and will work with the relevant agencies and seek the support and guidance necessary in order to provide the best possible outcome for your child.

What criteria must be satisfied before children and young people can access this provision/service?

I am an inclusive provider and welcome all children and their families into my setting. I endeavour to meet the needs of families wishing to access my provision.

I follow guidance laid out in The Equality Act 2010 and do not discriminate in any way at all. I work in partnership with families to provide the care required to ensure the best possible outcome for their children.

Children are welcome regardless of SEN and I access training and support that I require in order to meet the childs needs. I have spaces available from August 2014.

How do we identify the particular special educational needs of a child or young person?

  • I will follow the guidance set out in the SEND Code of Practice 2001 (to be revised in 2014).
  • I ask parents to provide details about their child on ‘All about me’ form which I provide.
  • I would ask for any relevant information to be provided by any agencies or support staff or other settings a child attends/attended that will assist me in settling your child.
  • Once a child joins my setting they are continually assessed / observed and their progress recorded. Through this and dialogue with parent(s)/carer(s), any concerns are identified from which I will, with consent, initiate appropriate interventions and/or approach other specialists and agencies for support to establish how best I can support the child.

How do we consult with parents and/or children and young people about their needs?

  • All prospective families that are interested in accessing my service are invited to visit me in my setting.
  • Families are welcome to visit on numerous occasions in order to enable the child to become happy and familiar with the setting
  • Transition documents are very welcome from agencies and other settings working with the child and their family
  • Parents/carers are asked to fill in All about me forms to give me some insight in to their Childs needs/likes/dislikes/routines, this enabling me to assist the child in the transition into my setting.
  • Daily diaries’, Learning journeys track your Childs day and general progress and development. I offer parent meetings to discuss your child and this gives time to talk about anything relating to the wellbeing and development and progress of your child. End of day chats are available if you have anything you wish to discuss briefly. Email is another option for parents wishing to communicate in writing, as is Text messaging.
  • Feedback sheets are given to parents/carers regularly to ensure the needs of the child are being met
  • I encourage verbal exchange constantly to ensure I am fulfilling my role and meeting the needs as required.

What is our approach to teaching children and young people with special educational needs?

I have an Equal Opportunities/Inclusion Policy and Procedure.

  • All children are treated equally according to their age and stage developmental requirements.
  • To treat each child as an individual recognising, valuing and encouraging their individuality and their potential.
  • If you would work with other professionals and follow their advice in creating an Individual Learning & Development Plan (ILDP) for children with any additional needs; this would identify specific activities and learning / development objectives. The ILDP is developed with input from everyone involved with child,
    • Parent(s)/Carer(s)
    • The SENCo and Key Worker
    • Specialist / Support Agencies
    • Early Years Advisors

How can we adapt our curriculum for children and young people with special educational needs?

  • Each child attending my setting will be able to access open ended activities which are age/stage appropriate without the pressure to produce an end result!
  • Each child, regardless of SEN will be offered every opportunity to strive for and ultimately reach their full potential.
  • I aim to give each child a wide variety of learning experiences as they explore the environment, enabling the child to develop to the best of their potential.
  • to provide a range of stimulating fun and creative activities which are both age and stage appropriate and where applicable in line with the early years foundation stage.

How will we ensure we get the services, provision and equipment that children and young people need?

  • I can call on the support of Torbay’s Early Years Advisory Teacher and other professionals throughout Torbay for expert guidance and specialist equipment.
  • There may be times when I may not always have the resources and facilities to meet the specific needs of an individual child. Where this occurs, although I will make every reasonable effort to do so, there may be occasions when it is not possible and I cannot meet the child’s needs.

How is this provision funded?

  • As an Ofsted Registered Childminder I am self employed, running my own childcare business.
  • I am registered to accept National Education Grant (NEG) Funding for 2-5yr olds which is paid via the Local Authority; which entitles parents to 15 funded hours of childcare a week.

If it is identified that extra additional support is required beyond what I can provide as part of my normal ratios, then I can apply to the Local Authority for additional funding, for example if the child needs 1:1 support.

What additional learning support is available for children and young people with special educational needs and how do they access it?

  • If additional learning support was needed, I would look for support from other professionals such as;
    • Speech & Language Specialists
    • Health Visitors & Social Workers
    • Action for Children
    • Support Groups for families
    • Early Years Advisory Support
    • Portage

And I will signpost, encourage and support parent(s)/carer(s) to engage with these services.

How do we support and improve the emotional and social development of children and young people with special educational needs?

I follow the Thrive approach to guiding babies and children through emotional development, supporting the child to build strong emotional attachments and a secure feeling of belonging and wellbeing,

The personal social emotional development of the chld is a prime area in the early years foundation stage and every effort is taken to ensure each child develops positively in this essential area.

Each child is valued as an important individual and respected as such in their own right.

Working with parents/carers is of paramount importance and as a practitioner, I welcome the total involvement of families as the parent/carer knows their child best and I will gain the necessary information required so that I may provide the best possible care and support to the child.

I have a positive approach to behaviour management and have a relevant policy in place.

I work in partnership with families so that the best outcome for the child and their behaviour is ensured.

How do we support children and young people with special educational needs moving between phases of education and preparing for adulthood?

I have experience of writing an informative transitional document to accompany child to school.

I used photographs alongside the annotation and I have received positive feedback about the document from early years team, childs paediatrician and the school reception teacher.

I support the family during transition and make myself available to attend senco meetings and transition meetings between school and child and parents.

What other support is available for children and young people with special educational needs and how can they access it?

I work in partnership with the early years team, am happy to fill in referral forms and signpost accordingly to meet the requirements of each child in my setting.

I strive to reach the best possible outcome for the children and their families, andwill liase with relevant agencies to ensure this is possible.

What extra-curricular activities are available for children and young people with special educational needs?

All the children in my setting are given every opportunity to experience a wide range of activities, resources, open ended play, messy play, out door opportunities.

I put great emphasis on enabling and encouraging each and every child to reach his or her full potential.

The 3 prime areas of learning; personal, social, emotional development, and speech&language and physical development are focused on greatly.

I encourage the children to explore as they wish and encourage a child led environment.

How do we assess and review progress towards agreed outcomes, and how are parents, children and young people involved in this process?

I use the My learning and development document as a guide to track child development. BUT: each child does develop at different rates. I observe the children through their play and activities I arrange.

I speak with parents and offer parent meetings whereby we are able to discuss in depth the development of the child. I always value parental involvement and want to hear about the parents view and how they feel progress is being made.

I work with outside agencies when a child requires added input or indeed if I require support or added training to work better with a family.

How do we assess the effectiveness of our special needs provision and how are parents, children and young people involved in this assessment?

Agencies that work with myself and families are invited to my setting.

By doing this, I am showing the agencies how I work, and the opportunity is there for suggestion of alternative ideas if it is deemed necessary.

I provide families with Feedback forms so I can ensure I am providing the service that is beneficial. Parents are also invited to meetings with myself and i feel this provides a good opportunity for any new ideas, or concerns to be discussed.

How do we ensure that teaching staff and other staff have the expertise needed to support children and young people with special educational needs?

I access training throughout the year to continue my professional development to enable me to be the best that I can be and this will help me support families to the highest standard.

I work with colleagues and share good practise because I believe that we are all always learning and I strive to constantly improve myself and my knowledge whichI then use accordingly in my setting.

I attend senco and vulnerable children, designated person, safeguarding, paediatric 1st aid training sessions and others that are available to constantly be upto date with all new legislation and new training ideas.

I attended Nancy Stewart charecteristics of effective learning seminar this year I have attended Makaton workshops last year.

I have attended English as Additional language course.

My training and development is ongoing and I strive to access extra training when required.

How do we keep parents informed where children and young people have special educational provision but do not have an Education Health and Care Plan?

I always make time for parents , we chat briefly about the childs day when the child is collected. Parent meetings are offered periodically.

Telephone exchange or email is readily available.

I encourage parents to be honest and opern with me, I enjoy working closely with families. My priority is always to try to reach the best possible outcome for the child and this, in my opinion ia done by having a positive working relationship with the family.

How can parents, children and young people make a complaint about our provision?

By having a good working relationship with the childs Parents/carers, I believe issue can be resolved very swiftly.

I would always request parents speak to me about any issue or problem.

I have a complaint policy which offers advice to families wishing to make a complaint. Ofsted phone number is available on my notice board if required.

How can parents, children and young people get more information about the setting?

Please phone or email to make an appointment to come and see me.

My details are available on Family Information Service’s directory, www.torbaydirectory.com/family I am happy to discuss your requirements and what I can offer you and your children.

Ofsted website will have my last inspection report for you to read.

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